

  •  The Need for a United Nations' Security Role in Iraq

    The Need for a United Nations' Security Role in Iraq

    The Need for a United Nations' Security Role in Iraq Dr W Andrew Terrill Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In the aftermath of the U.S. intervention in Iraq, some unilateralists daydreamed about a decline or even collapse of the United Nations' role in helping provide for global security. Force had been used without the blessing of a second Security Council Resolution, and the new concept of a “coalition of the willing” seemed to offer promise in maximizing U.S. latitude for dealing with international problems. The UN had become unnecessary, and enemies of that institution saw the death throes of Saddam Hussein’s regime as fatal to the UN’s continued existence or at least relevance."
    • Published On: 8/1/2003
  •  Why Saddam will not Choose Exile

    Why Saddam will not Choose Exile

    Why Saddam will not Choose Exile Dr W Andrew Terrill Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "During his rise to power, Saddam Hussein is reported to have taken his two young sons to Iraqi torture chambers to view acts of torment committed against the luckless individuals imprisoned there. One of these sons, Uday, grew up to be a psychopath, while the other, Qusay, became a cold disciplined killer like his father. Both learned from Saddam’s torturers to avoid the most horrible of all fates—helplessness before your enemies. It is a fate that Saddam himself will never accept."
    • Published On: 2/1/2003
  •  Saddam's Strategy: No To Nuclear Weapons; Yes To Biologicals

    Saddam's Strategy: No To Nuclear Weapons; Yes To Biologicals

    Saddam's Strategy: No To Nuclear Weapons; Yes To Biologicals Dr W Andrew Terrill Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Advocates of war with Iraq currently contend that Saddam Hussein is actively and aggressively pursuing a nuclear weapons capability much as he did prior to Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. Very little evidence is presented to support this argument, but the logic associated with it generally maintains that Saddam has a capacity for developing illicit weapons in secret. The world was surprised by the post-DESERT STORM revelations of a massive hidden nuclear weapons program by Iraq. If Iraq fooled us once, could they not do so again?"
    • Published On: 11/1/2002
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