Strategic Issues

  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 24, Issue 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 24, Issue 2

    By LTC Blair Wilcox, LTC Chris Miller, Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz, Dr. Michele Devlin, Patricia Hayes, MAJ Andy O’Neill, Dr. Charles Anderson, Jamie Lethiecq; Collins Center Update from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; Inside this Issue: From Data to Decision in Warfighting Course, From Players to Creators: Cultivating War Game Design Skills for Twenty-First Century Challenges, The Antarctic: The Importance of the White Continent, New US Army War College Fellowship: Baltic Defense College, War and Peace and Pieces at Connections 2024, Academic Year 2025 New War College Fellowships: Vanderbilt University, The Theater Army Staff Course Enters Fourth Year
    • Published On: 12/20/2024
  •  STAYING AFLOAT: Climate Migration, Environmental Displacement, and Recommendations to Address Local Marshallese Worker Shortages from 2025 to 2050 for US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll

    STAYING AFLOAT: Climate Migration, Environmental Displacement, and Recommendations to Address Local Marshallese Worker Shortages from 2025 to 2050 for US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll

    By Dr. Michele Devlin, COL Damon Delarosa, Mr. Hugh Hardin, COL John Harrell, COL Virginia Knorr, COL Yoon Choi, Dr. John Munro, Mr. Brian Gellert, Mr. Steve Cunliffe; Report from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; This report analyzes the pressing issue of climate-amplified out-migration of local indigenous workers who support the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) in the Marshall Islands. Escalating environmental impacts, poor economic opportunities in the host nation, limited access to advanced health care, and poor educational opportunities are key drivers of increased Marshallese out-migration to the United States, shrinking the pool of current and future local workers for the USAG-KA. This report emphasizes the real and escalating environmental impacts on US military installations in terms of both infrastructure damage and the human communities that surround US bases and provide local labor for these facilities.
    • Published On: 12/6/2024
  •  AY25 Campaign Planning Handbook

    AY25 Campaign Planning Handbook

    AY25 Campaign Planning Handbook Handbook by the School of Strategic Learning, US Army War College The purpose of this document is to assist United States Army War College students during the Military Strategy and Campaigning (MSC) course. It also serves to assist commanders, planners, and other staff officers in combatant commands (CCMD), joint task forces (JTF), and Service component commands. It supplements joint doctrine and contains elements of emerging doctrine as practiced globally by joint force commanders (JFCs). It portrays a way to apply draft doctrine awaiting signature, published doctrine, and emerging concepts, all at the higher levels of joint command, with a primary emphasis at the combatant command level.
    • Published On: 8/14/2024
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 24, Issue 1

    Collins Center Update, Volume 24, Issue 1

    by Mark Haseman, Jessie Faller-Parrett, Dr. Greg Cantwell, Ed “Cliffy” Zukowski, Patricia Hayes, Bert B. Tussing, Dr. Michele Devlin, and Gregory Hillebrand; Collins Center Update from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; Inside this issue: Combined/Joint Force Land Component Commander Course Hits the 20-Year Mark, The International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise Turns 20, Article on LTC Nguyen, Perspective from the Pinnacle: Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs, Polar Bear Memorial Association President Visits US Army War College, The Center for Strategic Leadership Hosts Inaugural Strategic Spacepower Forum Focused on Competition and Conflict in Space, Video Series and Official Trailer of Inspired to Serve. Sworn to Uphold
    • Published On: 8/13/2024
  •  Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45

    Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45

    Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45; James D. Scudieri; Historical Study Monograph by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute; This monograph analyzes Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.’s service as de facto theater Army commander to Admiral Chester W. Nimitz from August 1943 to June 1945. It focuses on the theater-strategic level when Richardson led US Army Forces in Central Pacific Area and US Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas. This study highlights the context of Richardson’s operating environment beginning with prewar plans, the realities of early wartime defeats, and the state of joint operating procedures. It assesses Richardson’s accomplishments in exercising Landpower in the Pacific, across the entire range of today’s Army war-fighting and Joint functions and discusses the implications of posturing for large-scale combat operations in competition, crisis, and conflict. These assessments are relevant to US Army Pacific today in its four current roles of Theater Joint Force Land Component Command, Combined Joint Task Force, Combined Joint Force Land Component Command, and Army Service Component Command.
    • Published On: 7/11/2024
  •  Competition Strategies and the Active-Duty Force: Assessing and Selecting the Right People for an Uncertain Future

    Competition Strategies and the Active-Duty Force: Assessing and Selecting the Right People for an Uncertain Future

    by LTC Aaron “Blair” Wilcox and Colonel (RET) Rick O’Donnell; Issue paper from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; The paper discusses the US Army's efforts to implement a new talent management strategy based on newly available data from over four years of assessments. It emphasizes the need to leverage data from assessment programs like the Battalion Commander Assessment Program (BCAP) and Colonels Command Assessment Program (CCAP) to select the best leaders for specific roles. The authors argue that current selection processes rely too heavily on subjective assessments and personal knowledge, while neglecting valuable, objective data newly available from BCAP and CCAP.
    • Published On: 6/25/2024
  •  Back to the Futures

    Back to the Futures

    by COL Doug Simmons, LtCol Kelly Raisch, LTC Krista Gueller, LTC Noel Chun, LTC Mike McCray Report by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership This comprehensive report analyzes the interplay between historical military innovations and future defense strategies, emphasizing the necessity of a dynamic Defense Innovation Ecosystem to maintain military superiority in the face of emerging global challenges. It explores critical factors such as strategic vision, cultural adaptability, and the integration of disruptive technologies, providing valuable insights for shaping effective military doctrines and enhancing the U.S. military’s readiness for future conflicts.
    • Published On: 5/9/2024
  •  Future Dynamics of Warfare

    Future Dynamics of Warfare

    LTC Joseph “Joe” Bell (USA, Aviation), COL John Cooper (USA, Human Resources), LTC Kristine “Kris” Hinds (USAR, Logistics), LtCol Erik Keim (USMC, Communications), LTC Michael “Neal” Miller (USAR, Logistics), Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Moore; Publication from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; This publication explores how contemporary conflicts shape future warfare by integrating diverse actors and technologies. The report emphasizes the increasing role of technology in warfare, highlighting the integration of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) advancements, rapid technological implementation, and the involvement of private sectors. It predicts that by 2035, warfare will be characterized by unprecedented visibility, rapid technological advancements, and lower barriers to entry, making everyone a potential player and everything a target in a “conflict-in-a-sandbox” environment. This evolution necessitates adapting strategies and enhancing collaboration among military and non-military entities to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities effectively.
    • Published On: 5/1/2024
  •  Beyond DOTMLPF-P: A New HMI Paradigm By 2040

    Beyond DOTMLPF-P: A New HMI Paradigm By 2040

    by COL Erin H. Frazier (USA), COL Robert F. Jordan (USA), Lt Col Joseph G. Dolce (USAF), LTC Tyler J. Waterhouse (USAR), LTC Allan S. Jackman (USA), Under the direction of Professor Kristan J. Wheaton; Publication from the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership; This is a report that outlines the transformative potential of human-machine integration (HMI) in military operations over the next two decades. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive changes across the DOTMLPF-P framework (Doctrine, organization, training, material, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy) to maintain a competitive edge in future conflicts. The report identifies key areas of impact, including command and maneuver, ethical AI-enhanced decision-making, and future-proofing military capabilities, highlighting the integration of advanced technologies such as brain0computer interfaces and augmented reality. Ethical considerations and the development of a technologically proficient military workforce are underscored as crucial elements of this evolution.
    • Published On: 5/1/2024
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