Strategic Issues

  •  Collins Center Update - Volume 17, Issue 1 (Fall 2014)

    Collins Center Update - Volume 17, Issue 1 (Fall 2014)

    Collins Center Update - Volume 17, Issue 1 (Fall 2014) Professor James W. Shufelt, Jr, Professor Bert B. Tussing, Dr. Allen S. Miller, Professor Bernard F. Griffard, Professor Bill Waddell, Major Joseph Chretien, Colonel John Valledor, Lieutenant Colonel Ned Ritzmann Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 3/6/2015
  •  Project 1704: A U.S. Army War College Analysis of Russian Strategy in Eastern Europe, an Appropriate U.S. Response, and the Implications for U.S. Landpower

    Project 1704: A U.S. Army War College Analysis of Russian Strategy in Eastern Europe, an Appropriate U.S. Response, and the Implications for U.S. Landpower

    Project 1704: A U.S. Army War College Analysis of Russian Strategy in Eastern Europe, an Appropriate U.S. Response, and the Implications for U.S. Landpower COL Douglas Mastriano, LTC Derek O'Malley Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In the summer of 2014, Russia forcibly annexed Crimea from Ukraine and then actively supported ethnic Russian separatists in an on-going irredentist bid in Eastern Ukraine. This aggressive policy threatens to challenge NATO and the United States in its support of Ukraine and other nations of Eastern Europe. From this changing strategic environment, three central questions emerge: (1) What is the Russian strategy in their periphery? (2) What is the appropriate U.S. response? (3) What are the implications for U.S. landpower?"
    • Published On: 3/1/2015
  •  Human Elements of Military Operations

    Human Elements of Military Operations

    Human Elements of Military Operations Lieutenant Colonel Brent A Kauffman War Game Report by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The U.S. Army War College (USAWC) conducted a workshop focused on understanding the human elements of military operations. Two groups of experts from the behavioral and social sciences participated in an interdisciplinary examination of what human elements military leaders, planners, and soldiers need to consider when operating in foreign lands. This workshop did not focus on any one past, current, or future operation, but rather sought to develop usable, holistic frameworks—applicable for the broad range of military operations—to inform future military concepts. "
    • Published On: 1/1/2015
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 16, Issue 3 (Summer 2014)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 16, Issue 3 (Summer 2014)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 16, Issue 3 (Summer 2014) Colonel John Valledor, John A. Bonin, Ph.D, Professor Bill Waddell, Colonel John Mauk, Mr. Sam White, Jr., CDR Ed “Cliffy” Zukowski, Professors Bernard F. Griffard, Bert B. Tussing Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 9/9/2014
  •  Futures Seminar: The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar: The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar: The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond Mr Samuel R White Jr Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Academic Year 2014 (AY14) marks the inaugural year for the Futures Seminar – an elective course offered to resident students during the Term II elective period (Feb-Mar 2014) at the U.S. Army War College (USAWC). Created through a shared vision between the USAWC and the Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), the Futures Seminar is loosely modeled on the Army After Next Project (AANP), conducted at the USAWC in the late 1990s. Through the AANP, the USAWC hoped to leverage research and writing on strategic trends, the security environment, technology and other factors which would impact the Army in 10 to 25 years."
    • Published On: 6/6/2014
  •  Op-Ed: Changing the Army's Culture of Cultural Change

    Op-Ed: Changing the Army's Culture of Cultural Change

    Op-Ed: Changing the Army's Culture of Cultural Change Leonard Wong Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In a profession as large as the U.S. Army, trying to influence the way organizational members think about specific issues can be a vexing proposition. Certainly new systems, policies, and procedures can force changes in behavior, but often what senior decisionmakers truly desire is a shift in attitudes—a culture change across the entire Army. Recent calls for Army culture change have emerged in areas as diverse as cyber security, resilience, sexual assault, leader development, language proficiency, and even energy conservation. Interestingly, the varied attempts at changing the Army’s culture over the past years seem to follow an amazingly similar template."
    • Published On: 5/16/2014
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 16 Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 16 Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 16 Issues 1 & 2 Professor Alan Bourque, Colonel Scott A. Forsythe, Lieutenant Colonel Bob Scanlon, Lieutenant Colonel Ned Ritzmann, Professor B.F. Griffard, Colonel Barry Di Ruzza, Mr. Ritchie L. Dion Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 5/5/2014
  •  Post-2014 Afghanistan Wargame Analysis

    Post-2014 Afghanistan Wargame Analysis

    Post-2014 Afghanistan Wargame Analysis Dr Richard L Winslow War Game Report by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The Afghanistan Futures Wargame conducted 14-15 January 2014 brought together specialists with expertise on Afghanistan, China, India, Iran and Pakistan, international relations and national security affairs from academia, government and private think-tanks to consider U.S. policy options for Afghanistan beyond 2014."
    • Published On: 1/1/2014
  •  Terminal Blackout: Critical Electric Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Civil-Military Resiliency

    Terminal Blackout: Critical Electric Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Civil-Military Resiliency

    Terminal Blackout: Critical Electric Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Civil-Military Resiliency Ms Cindy E Ayers, Kenneth D Chrosniak Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Threats to the electric grid (cyber, solar, non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse [NNEMP] and high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse [HEMP]), as well as the potential consequences of significant damage to grid components by terrorists and other natural disasters, have increased incrementally since 2001; but details releasable to the public at the unclassified level were rare prior to 2008..."
    • Published On: 11/11/2013
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