Era of Persistent Conflict

  •  The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts

    The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts

    The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts Ms. Melissa Gregg, Dr. Robert D. Lamb Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Despite decades of research and experience in foreign conflicts and fragile environments, institutions in the United States and beyond are often unable to position themselves for success when called upon to intervene. This monograph contributes to the growing recognition that today’s conflicts are best understood as complex systems, characterized by greater levels of fragility, uncertainty, and intractability than conflicts of previous decades."
    • Published On: 9/20/2018
  •  Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition

    Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition

    Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition Michelle Hughes, Michael Miklaucic Guides and Handbooks by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Strategies that weaken illicit power structures and strengthen legitimate state authority are vital to national and international security. As Dr. Henry Kissinger observed, we may be “facing a period in which forces beyond the restraints of any order determine the future.” Because threats to security emanate from disorder in areas where governance and rule of law are weak, defeating terrorist, insurgent, and criminal organizations requires integrated efforts not only to attack enemy organizations, but also to strengthen institutions essential to sustainable security."
    • Published On: 5/19/2016
  •  Preventing and Managing Conflict in an Unstable World

    Preventing and Managing Conflict in an Unstable World

    Preventing and Managing Conflict in an Unstable World Paul Sangrey, Karen Finkenbinder, PKSOI Interns: Jeremy Wallace, Sarah Cassel, Nasim Fekrat, Sarah Masciola, James Pagano, Danielle Humphrey, Charles Williams Glaser, Paul Sangrey, Rachel Baras, Michael Fishman, Benjamin Brandt, Zachary Ricchuiti, Michael Bruno, Jason Kring PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, US Army War College Press "The genesis for this anthology occurred almost two years ago. As the internship program grew, we realized that many of their projects were too good to be used only by us. We thought their ideas deserved a forum where others might also benefit from their observations. This anthology is not exhaustive. In fact, there were many more papers we would have liked to include but, alas, we had to make the cut somewhere. These papers were written between 2010 and 2012."
    • Published On: 5/1/2014
  •  New Realities: Energy Security in the 2010s and Implications for the U.S. Military - Executive Summaries

    New Realities: Energy Security in the 2010s and Implications for the U.S. Military - Executive Summaries

    New Realities: Energy Security in the 2010s and Implications for the U.S. Military - Executive Summaries Dr John R Deni Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This compendium of executive summaries is based on presentations delivered at a conference by the same name that was organized by SSI, hosted by the Reserve Officers Association in Washington, DC, and funded through the generous support of the U.S. Army War College Foundation. The conference – free and open to the public – was held on 19-20 November 2013, and featured experts from the policymaking community, academia, think tanks, the private sector, and the military services. These individuals gathered together to address the rapidly changing global energy supply situation, the social, political, and economic challenges facing consumer states, and the subsequent implications for the United States generally and for the U.S. military specifically. "
    • Published On: 1/1/2014
  •  U.S. Pacific Command Pacific Environmental Security Conference

    U.S. Pacific Command Pacific Environmental Security Conference

    U.S. Pacific Command Pacific Environmental Security Conference COL Douglas Charney, COL Philip D Jones, COL Cheryl A Ludwa, Mr Todd M Wheeler Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Environmental issues are widely recognized as contributing factors to instability and conflict. The Center for Strategic Leadership of the US Army War College has been known for its subject matter expertise in the area of environmental security for nearly two decades and in particular has had the opportunity to work with the Geographic Combatant Commands to embed environmental security in their engagement and security cooperation programs."
    • Published On: 10/10/2011
  •  Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4

    Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4

    Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 1, Issue 4 Mister Robert C Browne Peace and Stability Journal by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Since the end of the Cold War, individual states and the international community have been challenged by an increasing instability resulting from numerous causes: natural disasters, internal conflicts, transnational terrorism and crime, and chronic and seemingly overwhelming societal problems. While not new in human history, the globalized environment of the 21st century make these issues more complex and interrelated. Broad access to information and global mobility informs populations of issues, internationalizes relative social progress, and empowers non-state actors. Informed populations demand more of their governments at home and abroad. Members of the greater international community respond to the plight of troubled states and their populations in various ways."
    • Published On: 7/8/2011
  •  Resolving Ethical Challenges in an Era of Persistent Conflict

    Resolving Ethical Challenges in an Era of Persistent Conflict

    Resolving Ethical Challenges in an Era of Persistent Conflict COL Tony Pfaff Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In this monograph, Colonel Tony Pfaff explores the ethical challenges facing the Army in an era of persistent conflict dominated by a variety of irregular threats. Pfaff argues that these challenges arise because irregular adversaries change the character of their war from imposing one’s will on the enemy to compelling the enemy to accept one’s interest. While this shift may seem subtle, Pfaff argues, it suggests a number of important practical and ethical implications for our way of war. Formerly, civilians were largely separable from warfighting, meaning that our strategies of annihilation and attrition were the most effective—and ethical—paths to victory. But now, when combating irregular threats, civilians are no longer separable from warfighting. Consequently, strategies of annihilation and attrition not only undermine a successful resolution of the conflict, but they are unethical."
    • Published On: 4/1/2011
  •  Climate Change, Adaptation and Security in Central America and the Caribbean

    Climate Change, Adaptation and Security in Central America and the Caribbean

    Climate Change, Adaptation and Security in Central America and the Caribbean Dr Kent H Butts, Ms Marcela Ramirez Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Secretary of State Clinton began her term as the United States Secretary of State by calling for a U.S. foreign policy led by Diplomacy, Development and Defense. Success in applying this concept has been quickly realized at the regional level where cooperation between the Department of State (DOS), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Combatant Commands has been ongoing, particularly in the area of environmental security. United Nations data showing the link between resources and environmental issues and conflict are well known to regional economic and security organizations; but so too, is the potential for resource scarcity and environmental change to create opportunities for confidence building measures and multilateral cooperation that builds host nation capacities. Today, with its impact on water and food security and governmental legitimacy, climate change adaptation has emerged as a leading regional security issue and major concern to regional governments and their populations."
    • Published On: 3/24/2011
  •  Enter the Era of Persistent Competition for Talent

    Enter the Era of Persistent Competition for Talent

    Enter the Era of Persistent Competition for Talent COL Carolyn F Kleiner Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The era of persistent conflict is forcing the U.S. Army to become more nimble and adaptable, driving changes in equipment and doctrine. Yet the systems required to manage its most critical asset—people—continue to operate in a Cold War paradigm with Industrial Era processes. The Army must take action to implement modern and creative human resource management systems if it hopes to maintain a high-quality force capable of fighting the wars of the future. As we live in an era of persistent conflict, we are also entering an era of persistent competition for talent."
    • Published On: 7/1/2010
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