School of Strategic Landpower

The School of Strategic Landpower’s educational programs (resident and distance) develop strategic leaders by providing a strong foundation of wisdom, grounded in mastery of the profession of arms, and by serving as a crucible for educating future leaders in the analysis, evaluation, and refinement of professional expertise in war, strategy, operations, national security, resource management, and responsible command.
  •  Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book

    Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book

    Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book Dr Thomas P. Galvin Activity book from the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The purpose of this Activity Book is to provide a series of experiential exercises that allow readers to construct communication campaigns as described in the monograph Communication Campaigning: Primer for Senior Leaders. This workbook is to be considered a living document that will be continuously updated, and therefore there may be differences between the activities herein and their presentation in the companion monograph..."
    • Published On: 3/30/2021
  •  Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders

    Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders

    Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders Dr Conrad C Crane, Dr Thomas P. Galvin, Paul Mikolashek Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "When I was a Captain, I was called into the Brigade Commander’s office to talk about taking over a company. I remember a few things about that meeting, but one thing he said has stuck with me ever since. As he was talking, he paused a bit and said, “this command business…it’s a tough thing.” He did not have to elaborate further. With the assumption of command comes with it a daunting responsibility. This is true today as it was then and holds true at every level and only increases the higher up you go. It is exactly the notion of responsibility vested in the commander, that at least from his perspective, makes it a 'tough thing.' "
    • Published On: 11/6/2020
  •  Strategic Leader Meta-Competencies

    Strategic Leader Meta-Competencies

    Strategic Leader Meta-Competencies Stephen Banks, David Eckley, Colonel Silas G. Martinez, Mark Stackle, Prof Louis G Yuengert Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "As the capability gap between the United States military and its global competitors continues to shrink, the Army has countered with the launch of a transformative talent management effort to maintain its competitive edge over its rivals. Officer assessments comprise a critical component of the Army’s effort. While doctrinal requirements and existing measurement tools facilitate implementation of assessments for junior and mid-grade officers, assessment strategies for senior leaders are underdeveloped. This report informs talent management at the strategic level."
    • Published On: 10/28/2020
  •  Campaign Planning Handbook AY21

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY21

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY21 Col. Keith Burkepile, COL Matthew D. Morton, COL Veronica Oswald-Hrutkay Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations, School of Strategic Landpower "The purpose of this document is to assist United States Army War College students during the Military Strategy and Campaigning (MSC) course. It also serves to assist commanders, planners, and other staff officers in combatant commands (CCMD), joint task forces (JTF), and service component commands. It supplements joint doctrine and contains elements of emerging doctrine as practiced globally by joint force commanders (JFCs). It portrays a way to apply draft doctrine awaiting signature, published doctrine, and emerging concepts, all at the higher levels of joint command, with a primary emphasis at the combatant command level."
    • Published On: 10/14/2020
  •  How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook

    How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook

    How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook Prof Louis G Yuenger Reference Handbook from the US Army War College, School of Strategic Landpower "Since the publication of the 2017-2018 How the Army Runs Reference Handbook, the U.S. Army is transitioning its concepts, doctrine, and capabilities to a new strategy. This new strategy switches the focus of Army forces from counterinsurgency to large scale combat operations (LSCO) against a peer, or near-peer competitor. The Army responds to this fundamental change in strategy by establishing two very clear objectives in achieving the new strategy. The intermediate objective is to establish a multi-domain operations capable force (at least selected formations) by 2028 and an ultimate objective to grow that force into a multi-domain operations ready Army by 2035..."
    • Published On: 1/29/2020
  •  Campaign Planning Handbook AY20

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY20

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY20 COL Mark Haseman Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations, School of Strategic Landpower "The purpose of this document is to assist United States Army War College students during the Military Strategy and Campaigning (MSC) course. It also serves to assist commanders, planners, and other staff officers in combatant commands (CCMD), joint task forces (JTF), and service component commands. It supplements joint doctrine and contains elements of emerging doctrine as practiced globally by joint force commanders (JFCs). It portrays a way to apply published doctrine and emerging doctrine at the higher levels of joint command, with a primary emphasis at the combatant command level."
    • Published On: 9/25/2019
  •  Leading Change in Military Organizations: Experiential Activity Book

    Leading Change in Military Organizations: Experiential Activity Book

    Leading Change in Military Organizations: Experiential Activity Book Dr Thomas P. Galvin Activity book by the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "This text contains six activities representing six discrete actions in preparing for planned change. These are shown in Figure 1, and each one has an activity established for it. Each activity is presented in two forms – (1) full form for field use where all steps should be completed, and (2) short form for introductory use in educational settings. In the field, it is recommended that these activities be conducted in a facilitated setting or under the advice of a consultant who is familiar with the underlying literature..."
    • Published On: 5/28/2019
  •  Strategic Leadership Primer for Senior Leaders, 4th ed.

    Strategic Leadership Primer for Senior Leaders, 4th ed.

    Strategic Leadership Primer for Senior Leaders, 4th ed. Dr Thomas P Galvin, Dr Dale E. Watson Publication by the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "Leadership is not easy, and there is no magic recipe for successful leadership. That is why there are so many business books about leaders and leadership traits. In the military, we focus on leader development at the very beginning of service, in basic training, and at pre-commissioning . . . every Soldier is a leader. While the principles of tactical leadership are not always easy to do and are certainly aspirational, they are fundamental in nature; provide clear vision and intent, develop mutual understanding and trust, build cohesive teams that work together to achieve decisive results in line with our professional ethic, and provide orders and guidance that develop initiative and focus on what to do and for what purpose, rather than emphasizing the how."
    • Published On: 4/8/2019
  •  Two Case Studies of Successful Strategic Communication Campaigns

    Two Case Studies of Successful Strategic Communication Campaigns

    Two Case Studies of Successful Strategic Communication Campaigns Dr Thomas P. Galvin Report by the US Army War College, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "Strategic communication has historically been cited as a weakness in U.S. military operations, both at the operational and strategic levels. Numerous studies have highlighted problems with U.S. abilities to promote a coherent message and influence the environment to be favorable to its strategic interests. Failures are easy to identify. The effects of poor communication can manifest themselves quickly; however, what about successes? Rarely are they discussed, perhaps because it is difficult to know when a campaign achieved enough of the desired effects such that leaders can claim success."
    • Published On: 3/5/2019
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