

  •  Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda

    Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda

    Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda Dr W Andrew Terrill Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The United States is currently a leading player in the military coalition waging war against the Islamic State Organization (often called by its older name of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or ISIS) in Iraq and Syria. The purpose of this coalition was initially to rollback and degrade ISIS capabilities and then ultimately to destroy the organization. This effort has been made in coordination with the Iraqi government, regional allies, allies from outside of the region, and local anti-ISIS groups including various Kurdish organizations."
    • Published On: 4/3/2017
  •  China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States

    China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States

    China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States Dr Elizabeth Wishnick Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper examines the geopolitical implications of China’s growing involvement in the Arctic for U.S. interests. First, the evolution of U.S. Arctic strategy, including its political and military components, is discussed. Next, China’s interests and goals in the Arctic are addressed. A third section examines the Arctic in China’s relations with Canada, Russia, and the Nordic states. This Letort Paper then evaluates the consequences of China’s expanding Arctic presence for U.S. security interests and concludes with policy recommendations."
    • Published On: 3/7/2017
  •  Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace

    Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace

    Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace Mr Keir Giles Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper provides an overview of moves toward establishing international norms and the rule of law in cyberspace, and the potential for establishing further internationally accepted and enforceable standards of behavior. Completed in late 2015, it reflects the state of play in these areas at that time. It especially highlights opposing views on the nature of legality in cyberspace, and how and where those views are gaining global support."
    • Published On: 1/24/2017
  •  Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies

    Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies

    Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies Dr Mary Manjikian Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In recent years, analysts have begun discussing strategies for securing entities in cyberspace—including the files and software belonging to corporations, government institutions, and private individuals. Increasingly, analysts have suggested utilizing two types of deterrence strategies: deterrence by denial and deterrence by punishment. In determining how both deterrence strategies might be applied to preventing hostile individuals, states, and nonstate actors from entering cyberspace and inflicting damage there, analysts have borrowed from deterrence strategies that have been framed for a variety of other situations..."
    • Published On: 12/1/2016
  •  The Quest for Military Cooperation in North Africa: Prospects and Challenges

    The Quest for Military Cooperation in North Africa: Prospects and Challenges

    The Quest for Military Cooperation in North Africa: Prospects and Challenges Dr Mohammed El-Katiri Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In the aftermath of the ousting of dictatorial regimes in 2011, the fragile political and security situations in Tunisia and Libya have contributed to the emergence of new threats that menace the stability of both countries and of their neighbors. Severe terrorist incidents have become frequent throughout the region. To name but one incident, the borders that Algeria shares with those two countries exposed it to a major terrorist attack on the Tiguentourine gas facility in January 2013."
    • Published On: 10/1/2016
  •  An Arab NATO in the Making? Middle Eastern Military Cooperation Since 2011

    An Arab NATO in the Making? Middle Eastern Military Cooperation Since 2011

    An Arab NATO in the Making? Middle Eastern Military Cooperation Since 2011 Dr Florence Gaub Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Two features have been consistent in the Middle East and North Africa since the era of independence: ongoing violence of all sorts—and the absence of a collective security structure, which could tackle this violence. Since the end of World War II, the region has seen multiple attempts to organize collective and cooperative security, all of which failed."
    • Published On: 9/1/2016
  •  Taking the Fight to the Enemy: Chinese Thinking about Long-Distance and Expeditionary Operations

    Taking the Fight to the Enemy: Chinese Thinking about Long-Distance and Expeditionary Operations

    Taking the Fight to the Enemy: Chinese Thinking about Long-Distance and Expeditionary Operations Dr Larry M Wortzel Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper analyzes Long-Distance Operations, a Chinese-language book published by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Military Sciences (AMS) in 2007, as well as several other contemporaneous PLA publications. An assessment of this body of literature shows that Long-Distance Operations provides an internal critique by a PLA strategist of PLA operational and equipment deficiencies."
    • Published On: 7/1/2016
  •  India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific

    India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific

    India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Mr Yogesh Joshi, Dr Frank O'Donnell, Dr Harsh V Pant Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "As India rises in the international system, its foreign and defense policies are attaining greater influence in shaping global security. This Letort Paper explores Indian nuclear policy approaches and views, and makes a major contribution to our understanding of this factor of growing significance in Asian security."
    • Published On: 6/1/2016
  •  The East Mediterranean Triangle at Crossroads

    The East Mediterranean Triangle at Crossroads

    The East Mediterranean Triangle at Crossroads Dr Jean-Loup Samaan Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "For years, the Israel-Turkey partnership was believed to be an anchor of stability in the troubled Middle East. For the United States the two regional players were supposed to pave the way to a regional system, but the collapse of their bilateral relation over the last years has put an end to these expectations. As a result of this crisis between Ankara and Jerusalem, the competition in the East Mediterranean region evolved significantly. Whereas Turkey increased its inflammatory rhetoric against Israel, the latter counterbalanced Turkey‘s position by strengthening ties with two rivals of Ankara: Greece and Cyprus."
    • Published On: 3/1/2016
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