

  •  Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach

    Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach

    Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach LTC Clarence J Bouchat (USAF, Ret) Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "For a topic long overlooked by American policymakers and strategists, the security and stability of Africa has recently become an important national issue. This nascent importance is readily seen in the increased time, effort, and resources now devoted to the continent by such new organizations as the U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM). However, to be effective this growing interest must be rooted in the desire to overcome centuries of ignorance and misunderstanding about the conditions and people of Africa"
    • Published On: 1/1/2010
  •  Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach

    Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach

    Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach LTC Clarence J Bouchat (USAF, Ret) Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "For a topic long overlooked by American policymakers and strategists, the security and stability of Africa has recently become an important national issue. This nascent importance is readily seen in the increased time, effort, and resources now devoted to the continent by such new organizations as the U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM). However, to be effective this growing interest must be rooted in the desire to overcome centuries of ignorance and misunderstanding about the conditions and people of Africa."
    • Published On: 1/1/2010
  •  Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability in Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean: Implications for U.S. National Security

    Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability in Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean: Implications for U.S. National Security

    Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability in Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean: Implications for U.S. National Security Mr Evan Brown, Dr Dallas D Owens Colloquium Brief by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies "The relationships between powerful criminal groups and states are complex and create transnational issues of corruption and the production, transportation, marketing, and consumption of illegal products and services that have national security implications for most states in the Western Hemisphere."
    • Published On: 1/1/2010
  •  The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

    The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

    The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Mr Daniel Alderman Colloquium Brief by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The National Bureau of Asian Research, and Bush School of Government and Public Service "Signs are emerging that the PLA is becoming more confident about its position vis-à-vis Taiwan. At the same time, China believes that a changing international environment requires the Chinese armed forces to have more diversified capabilities. It is therefore placing relatively more emphasis on developing operational capabilities for missions other than against Taiwan (e.g., humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping operations, disaster relief, antipiracy, etc.)."
    • Published On: 12/31/2009
  •  Resetting the Reset Button: Realism About Russia

    Resetting the Reset Button: Realism About Russia

    Resetting the Reset Button: Realism About Russia Dr Stephen J Blank Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In Washington, there is a widely shared view that the United States needs Russian cooperation to stop Iranian and North Korean nuclear proliferation, particularly Iran’s. This view rests on the premise that the United States should take Russia “seriously,” and taking Russia seriously means accepting Russian demands for no missile defense in Europe and no NATO enlargement or further European integration of the countries of the former Soviet Union."
    • Published On: 12/1/2009
  •  India's Strategic Defense Transformation: Expanding Global Relationships

    India's Strategic Defense Transformation: Expanding Global Relationships

    India's Strategic Defense Transformation: Expanding Global Relationships LTC Brian K Hedrick Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "India’s defense establishment is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as it modernizes its military, seeks “strategic partnerships” with the United States and other nations, and expands its influence in the Indian Ocean and beyond. This transformation includes a shift from an emphasis on the former Soviet Union as the primary supplier of defense articles to a western base of supply and an increasing emphasis on bilateral exercises and training with many of the global powers."
    • Published On: 11/1/2009
  •  Leadership and National Security Reform Conference

    Leadership and National Security Reform Conference

    Leadership and National Security Reform Conference Dr Joseph R Cerami, Dr Jeffrey A Engel, Ms Lindsey K Pavelka Colloquium Brief by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Bush School of Government and Public Service, and Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at Texas A&M University "Graduate programs in policy schools of public and international affairs are paying increasing attention to the study of leadership and the development of leaders for public service careers. Policy schools at the University of Virginia, Harvard University, and Texas A&M University are finding new ways to educate future leaders; promote interdisciplinary leadership research; and provide a foundation of knowledge and skills for the next generation of government reformers."
    • Published On: 11/1/2009
  •  War's Second Grammar

    War's Second Grammar

    War's Second Grammar Dr Antulio J Echevarria II Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "With the publication of FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5, Counterinsurgency, the U.S. military officially embraced a second grammar of war. As an official statement of counterinsurgency doctrine, these manuals have received their share of criticism and praise, neither of which will be repeated here. Instead, the purpose of this opinion piece is to suggest that, no matter how different war’s second grammar is from its first, it is still a grammar. To be sure, holding true to good grammar contributes immensely to favorable outcomes in war. However, even an exquisite grammar cannot save a dubious logic; nor can it encompass all factors that contribute to military success."
    • Published On: 10/1/2009
  •  Congressional Gridlock, Town Hall Vitriol...and the Information

    Congressional Gridlock, Town Hall Vitriol...and the Information

    Congressional Gridlock, Town Hall Vitriol...and the Information Dennis M Murphy Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Speed, access to news, connectivity…. The information age, as Thomas Friedman likes to remind us, has made the world flat. From many perspectives, that’s good news. You can access news from anywhere, at any time with a click of a mouse. You have the capability to watch literally hundreds of television channels, in multiple languages from the comfort of your couch. You can listen to rock, jazz, metal or classical music without interruption driving from coast to coast…or you can listen to talk radio a mind-numbing 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And the future will only bring more capability, more options, and more information."
    • Published On: 9/14/2009
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