Strategy & Policy

  •  Assessing the Impact of U.S.-Israeli Relations on the Arab World

    Assessing the Impact of U.S.-Israeli Relations on the Arab World

    Assessing the Impact of U.S.-Israeli Relations on the Arab World Dr Lenore G Martin Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In this important monograph, Dr. Lenore Martin of Emmanuel College addresses the challenge that U.S. policymakers face in managing relations with numerous regional allies, including Israel and a host of moderate Arab states. These states often maintain differing concerns and are responding to diverse domestic and international pressures when they seek to influence the United States. These regional concerns and interests are thoroughly analyzed throughout this monograph. Additionally, the special importance of the Palestinian question is well-represented, with nuances of regional opinion carefully reflected."
    • Published On: 7/1/2003
  •  Socio-Economic Roots of Radicalism?: Towards Explaining the Appeal of Islamic Radicals

    Socio-Economic Roots of Radicalism?: Towards Explaining the Appeal of Islamic Radicals

    Socio-Economic Roots of Radicalism?: Towards Explaining the Appeal of Islamic Radicals Prof Alan Richards Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This monograph, by Dr. Alan Richards, addresses the critical questions involved in understanding and coping with the roots of Islamic radicalism. His work closely examines the links between radicalism and a series of crises associated with modernization in the Islamic World. The result is a thoughtful and probing study including policy recommendations for U.S. military and civilian decisionmakers that makes intelligible the complex subject of Islamic radicalism."
    • Published On: 7/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: South Asia

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: South Asia

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: South Asia Dr Amit Gupta Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "India and Pakistan have shied away from President Bush’s call for a military effort to change the regime in Baghdad. India’s official position was given in a joint statement during the official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to New Delhi in December 2002. The two governments agreed that..."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Southeast Asia

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Southeast Asia

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Southeast Asia Dr Anthony L Smith Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The attacks of September 11, 2001, outraged governments throughout Southeast Asia, as they did around the world. All Southeast Asian countries condemned the attacks and expressed sympathy to the United States and its people. Washington sought support, in particular, from both Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. Within days President Megawati of Indonesia made a trip to the United States—a trip that was kept on track despite a general shut down of air traffic—in which the Indonesian leader denounced terrorism. The symbolism of the leader of the world’s largest Muslim country decrying international terrorism was important to U.S. policymakers."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Australia and New Zealand

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Australia and New Zealand

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Australia and New Zealand Dr Andrew Scobell Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This study considers the strategic consequences of U.S. and allied military action against Iraq for the countries of Australia and New Zealand and provides some policy recommendations. The prospect of imminent U.S. military action against Iraq is of enormous interest to both Australia and New Zealand."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: The Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: The Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: The Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey Dr W Andrew Terrill Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "War with Iraq will signal the beginning of a new era in American national security policy and alter strategic balances and relationships around the world. The specific effects of the war, though, will vary from region to region. In some, America’s position will be strengthened. In others, it may degrade without serious and sustained efforts."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Mapping Colombia: The Correlation between Land Data and Strategy

    Mapping Colombia: The Correlation between Land Data and Strategy

    Mapping Colombia: The Correlation between Land Data and Strategy Dr Geoffrey Demarest Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This monograph highlights a shortcoming of U.S. and Colombian efforts attempted thus far to contain and reduce organized crime and terrorist violence in Colombia. Both governments acknowledge the importance that property rights play in long-term state legitimacy and in the short-term restraint of organized criminality. Nevertheless, inattentiveness to the condition of property rights, especially in rural areas, is both a cause and effect of a fundamental omission bearing on military operations: Colombia is not well-mapped, some of it not at all."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Europe

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Europe

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Europe LTC Raymond A Millen Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "War with Iraq will signal the beginning of a new era in American national security policy and alter strategic balances and relationships around the world. The specific effects of the war, though, will vary from region to region. In some, America’s position will be strengthened. In others, it may degrade without serious and sustained efforts."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
  •  Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Post-Soviet States

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Post-Soviet States

    Strategic Effects of Conflict with Iraq: Post-Soviet States Dr Stephen J Blank Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "An American-led war with Iraq will affect the international state system profoundly, particularly the potentially volatile set of regions that comprise the Former Soviet Union (FSU). Because the war with Iraq is not directly related to prevailing security conditions in the FSU, we can make the following predictions with reasonable certainty. Some, if not all, currently existing strategic factors in the FSU will continue, whether or not the United States goes to war with Iraq, and whether or not the war is short or long, conventional or one that witnesses the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and other forms of unconventional warfare."
    • Published On: 3/1/2003
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