•  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 4 -- Security and Environmental Planning in the 21st Century: Regional Monitoring, Warning, and Information Exchange

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 4 -- Security and Environmental Planning in the 21st Century: Regional Monitoring, Warning, and Information Exchange

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 4 -- Security and Environmental Planning in the 21st Century: Regional Monitoring, Warning, and Information Exchange Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The session explored the processes and mechanisms available to address consequence management planning at a regional level, demonstrated the quality multiplier effects of available information exchange and management tools, and identified opportunities for multilateral and interagency cooperation. The functional exchange of information is required at both an internal agency level, within a single country, and between regional states. "
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 7 -- Breakout Workshops Reports And Recommendations

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 7 -- Breakout Workshops Reports And Recommendations

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 7 -- Breakout Workshops Reports And Recommendations Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The initial Arabian Gulf Environmental Security Conference conducted in Muscat, Oman in April 2000 identified major concerns and actions perceived as likely to impact military activities in the Arabian Gulf region. Using these identified concerns as focus points, it was the goal of this Armed Forces of Qatar-hosted Environmental Security conference to design a framework for a regional approach to environmental disaster prevention and response and put in place a long-term, sustainable process for achieving a regional capability."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf -- Foreword

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf -- Foreword

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf -- Foreword Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership " 'Environmental Security Planning, Prevention, and Disaster Response in the Arabian Gulf Region' was a United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) initiative, with assistance from the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment (DUSD (I&E)), the National Defense University’s Near East-South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA), and the Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL) of the United States Army War College. Hosted by the Qatar Armed Forces at the Ritz-Carlton, Doha, Qatar, the conference brought together senior military leaders from the Arabian Gulf Region, international academics, governmental and military subject matter experts, and non-governmental organizations to examine critical environmental issues that affect the security of the region."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 3 -- Potential Risk Scenarios

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 3 -- Potential Risk Scenarios

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 3 -- Potential Risk Scenarios Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "This panel was moderated by Brigadier General Hamad Ali Al-Hinzab from the Qatar Armed Forces. The objectives of the session were to provide the basis for work group discussion, to institute a regional approach to security cooperation on environmental issues, to strengthen the GCC capability to respond to environmental events that may degrade regional stability, to explore the processes and mechanisms available to address consequence management planning at a regional level, and to promote environmental cooperation between defense and environmental authorities taking advantage of opportunities for multilateral and interagency cooperation..."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Appendix A -- Attendee List

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Appendix A -- Attendee List

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Appendix A -- Attendee List Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership Attendee List of Conference on Environmental Security Planning, Prevention, and Disaster Response in the Arabian Gulf Region
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Exec Summary

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Exec Summary

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Exec Summary Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Environmental problems exacerbated by natural or man-made events can contribute to regional instability and conflict. Such environmental security related disasters hinder economic progress, displace populations, and facilitate the growth of undesirable elements and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Failure to respond to these events in a coordinated, timely and effective manner impacts a nation’s ability to govern and function. For these reasons, environmental security initiatives are key security cooperation vehicles for the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM)."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 -- Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 -- Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 --Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Mr. Curtis Bowling, Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) moderated this panel discussion. The objectives of the session were to promote environmental cooperation between defense and environmental authorities, identify opportunities for multilateral and interagency cooperation, explore the processes and mechanisms available to address consequence management planning, and describe the practical application of information age tools to enhance disaster response and consequence management planning."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Brigadier General Hamad Ali Al-Hinzab, Advisor of the Command and Staff Branch, General Headquarters, Qatar Armed Forces, welcomed the attendees and participants to the Second Environmental Security Conference for the Arabian Gulf. He thanked the participants from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and friends and allies from the United States Central Command, the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense for Environment and Installations, the National Defense College, the Near East-South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, and the U. S. Army War College. He then introduced the Conference Host, His Excellency, Major General Hamad bin Ali Al-Attia, Chief of Staff, Qatar Armed Forces."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004 LTC Thomas P. Kratman, Eugene L. Thompson, Dr. Kent Hughes Butts, LTC Curtis Turner, Professor James Kievit, CDR Robert Wohlschlegel, Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
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