Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Central Asia / Central Asian States Disaster Response Conference 2003
Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, Prof Bert B Tussing
Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
"The world continues to get smaller, and the neighborhoods that it is composed of are becoming more dependent upon one another. Today’s threats to stability are trans-national in nature and rarely contained within the borders of one country. In most cases the consequences of a major terrorist action or environmental disaster will quickly overwhelm the management capability and response assets of the affected nation. When that occurs the maintenance of stability relies on effective regional, and if required, international assistance. A government that attempts to “go it alone” in today’s environment runs the risk of losing the confidence of its citizens and, as a result, its viability. As part of the United States’ active efforts to forge new, productive international relationships to meet the challenges of the 21st century, encouraging stronger regional ties where few currently exist is a key policy initiative."