Cover of Pretexts for War and the Preinvasion Crisis in Ukraine by
Ron Gurantz
Pretexts for War and the Preinvasion Crisis in Ukraine
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Cover for Bargaining for Justice: Ukraine, Gaza, and the Ethics of Conflict Termination
Bargaining for Justice: Ukraine, Gaza, and the Ethics of Conflict Termination
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Cover for John R. Deni and Lisa A. Aronsson's monograph, "The Role of America’s European Allies in the Russia-Ukraine War, 2022–24"
The Role of America’s European Allies in the Russia-Ukraine War, 2022–24
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Cover for Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War
Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War
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Cover for Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45
Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45
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Monograph Cover
Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait
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Cover for the monograph "Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising"
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
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Cover for the monograph "China's Future Military Capabilities"
China's Future Military Capabilities
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Cover for  Coercing Fluently: The Grammar of Coercion in the Twenty-first Century
Coercing Fluently: The Grammar of Coercion in the Twenty-first Century
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Cover for The Grand Strategy of Gertrude Bell: From the Arab Bureau to the Creation of Iraq
The Grand Strategy of Gertrude Bell: From the Arab Bureau to the Creation of Iraq
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Cover for the monograph "Framing the Future of the US Military Profession"
Framing the Future of the US Military Profession
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Cover for monograph by US Army War College: Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry
Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry
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Monograph Archive


  •  Exit Strategy: Rule of Law and the U.S. Army

    Exit Strategy: Rule of Law and the U.S. Army

    Exit Strategy: Rule of Law and the U.S. Army Dr Shima D Keene Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Establishing the rule of law is a key goal and end state in counterinsurgency (COIN) operations and is a critical aspect of securing peace and preventing future conflict in a fragile state. To that end, the development of rule of law institutions, such as an effective police force and a judicial system capable of protecting human rights and promoting justice, is essential. As such, the establishment of effective and sustainable rule of law institutions and practices as part of overall rule of law interventions is critical to stability operations, and should form a key part of military exit strategies for countries operating in post-conflict states..."
    • Published On: 9/25/2018
  •  The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts

    The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts

    The Dual-System Problem in Complex Conflicts Ms. Melissa Gregg, Dr. Robert D. Lamb Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Despite decades of research and experience in foreign conflicts and fragile environments, institutions in the United States and beyond are often unable to position themselves for success when called upon to intervene. This monograph contributes to the growing recognition that today’s conflicts are best understood as complex systems, characterized by greater levels of fragility, uncertainty, and intractability than conflicts of previous decades."
    • Published On: 9/20/2018
  •  A Security Role for the United States in a Post-ISIS Syria?

    A Security Role for the United States in a Post-ISIS Syria?

    A Security Role for the United States in a Post-ISIS Syria? Mr Gregory Aftandilian Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "SYRIA has become one of the most vexing and complex problems for U.S. strategic planners in recent times. Currently, the United States has about 2,000 troops in the northeastern part of the country whose primary mission has been to aid the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), made up primarily of Kurds and some Arab tribesmen, to fight ISIS..."
    • Published On: 9/14/2018
  •  Impacts of Anti-Access/Area Denial Measures on Space Systems: Issues and Implications for Army and Joint Forces

    Impacts of Anti-Access/Area Denial Measures on Space Systems: Issues and Implications for Army and Joint Forces

    Impacts of Anti-Access/Area Denial Measures on Space Systems: Issues and Implications for Army and Joint Forces Mr Jeffrey L Caton Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In January 2012, former President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta published new strategic guidance for 21st century defense. Third among the document’s 10 primary missions of U.S. Armed Forces is the call to “project power despite anti-access/area denial [A2/AD] challenges,” which included the charge to continue “efforts to enhance the resiliency and effectiveness of critical space-based capabilities.” Further, the fifth mission is to “operate effectively in cyberspace and space” potentially against “a range of threats that may degrade, disrupt, or destroy assets.” The 2018 National Defense Strategy and National Space Strategy both reaffirm the vital interests that the United States has in the domain of space."
    • Published On: 9/5/2018
  •  New Directions in Just-War Theory

    New Directions in Just-War Theory

    New Directions in Just-War Theory Dr. J. T. Reiner Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph provides an overview and analysis of recent developments in military ethics that conceptualize just wars as a form of global law enforcement in defense of socially basic human rights and, in different ways, deny the sovereignty of independent states."
    • Published On: 7/30/2018
  •  Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army

    Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army

    Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army Jose Luis Calvo Albero, Jose De Meer Madrid, Kirk Gallinger, Klaus Klingenschmid, Angus McAfee, Stefano Messina, Markus Meyer, Michael Mineni, Darryl Rupp Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Over the last several years, European security has confronted major new challenges. Russia’s land grab in Ukraine and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)-inspired transnational terrorism are two of the most obvious, but climate change, destabilizing migration, insufficient energy resources, a weakened European identity, and manipulation of the information space greatly complicate an already threatening security environment. "
    • Published On: 5/23/2018
  •  Robotics and Military Operations

    Robotics and Military Operations

    Robotics and Military Operations Prof William G Braun III, Kim Richard Nossal, Stéfanie von Hlatky Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Queen’s University hosted the 10th annual Kingston Conference on International Security (KCIS) at the Marriott Residence Inn, Kingston Waters Edge, in Kingston, Ontario, from May 11-13, 2015. The conference was titled “Robotics and Military Operations.” The annual KCIS is sponsored, designed, and organized by faculty from Queen’s University, the U.S. Army War College (USAWC), the Canadian Doctrine and Training Centre, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Defense College. The overall purpose of the conference is to advance scholar-practitioner dialogue and influence senior-level decision-making on strategy and policy-relevant security themes."
    • Published On: 5/22/2018
  •  The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains

    The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains

    The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains Mr Jeffrey L Caton Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Over the last century, the domains of air, space, and cyberspace have joined the traditional warfighting domains of land and sea. While the doctrine for land operations is relatively mature, the doctrine for space and cyberspace continue to evolve, often in an unstructured manner. This monograph examines the relationships among these domains and how they apply to U.S. Army and joint warfighting. It concentrates on the central question: How are U.S. military operations in the newest domains of space and cyberspace being integrated with operations in the traditional domain of land?"
    • Published On: 3/27/2018
  •  Armed Robotic Systems Emergence: Weapons Systems Life Cycles Analysis and New Strategic Realities

    Armed Robotic Systems Emergence: Weapons Systems Life Cycles Analysis and New Strategic Realities

    Armed Robotic Systems Emergence: Weapons Systems Life Cycles Analysis and New Strategic Realities Dr Robert J Bunker Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This important monograph focuses on the emergence of armed robotic systems on the early 21stcentury battlefield and the new strategic realities that their fielding may entail. It utilizes a little known—yet decades old—weapons systems life cycle analytical approach, to place these warfighting technologies in a larger strategic context. This is provided by means of case studies focusing on the developmental progression of the knight from the 9th through the 16th century, the battleship from the 19th through the 20th century, and the tank from the 20th into the 21st century."
    • Published On: 11/14/2017
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