Cover for Toward a More Effective DoD Contribution to Strategic Competition in the Western Hemisphere
Toward a More Effective DoD Contribution to Strategic Competition in the Western Hemisphere
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Cover of Pretexts for War and the Preinvasion Crisis in Ukraine by
Ron Gurantz
Pretexts for War and the Preinvasion Crisis in Ukraine
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Cover for Bargaining for Justice: Ukraine, Gaza, and the Ethics of Conflict Termination
Bargaining for Justice: Ukraine, Gaza, and the Ethics of Conflict Termination
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Cover for John R. Deni and Lisa A. Aronsson's monograph, "The Role of America’s European Allies in the Russia-Ukraine War, 2022–24"
The Role of America’s European Allies in the Russia-Ukraine War, 2022–24
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Cover for Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War
Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War
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Cover for Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45
Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45
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Monograph Cover
Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait
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Cover for the monograph "Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising"
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
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Cover for the monograph "China's Future Military Capabilities"
China's Future Military Capabilities
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Cover for  Coercing Fluently: The Grammar of Coercion in the Twenty-first Century
Coercing Fluently: The Grammar of Coercion in the Twenty-first Century
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Cover for The Grand Strategy of Gertrude Bell: From the Arab Bureau to the Creation of Iraq
The Grand Strategy of Gertrude Bell: From the Arab Bureau to the Creation of Iraq
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Cover for the monograph "Framing the Future of the US Military Profession"
Framing the Future of the US Military Profession
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Cover for monograph by US Army War College: Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry
Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry
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Monograph Archive


  •  The Limits of Offshore Balancing

    The Limits of Offshore Balancing

    The Limits of Offshore Balancing Dr Hal Brands Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Should the United States undertake a fundamental strategic retrenchment? Should it roll back, and perhaps do away with, the system of overseas security commitments and military deployments that have anchored its international posture since World War II? Many academic and strategic studies observers have answered “yes” to these questions in recent years. They assert that America’s long-standing, postwar grand strategy has become both dispensable and self-defeating—dispensable because that grand strategy is no longer needed to sustain an advantageous global environment, and self-defeating because it wastes finite means while eliciting adverse behavior from allies and adversaries alike. The proper response to this situation, they believe, is to adopt a minimalist approach referred to as “offshore balancing.” Briefly stated, offshore balancing envisions a dramatic reduction in America’s overseas military deployments and alliance commitments, and a shift toward greater restraint and modesty in U.S. policy writ large. It is premised on the idea that this type of retrenchment will actually produce better security outcomes at a better price— that when it comes to grand strategy, less will actually be more."
    • Published On: 9/1/2015
  •  Terrorist and Insurgent Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Use, Potentials, and Military Implications

    Terrorist and Insurgent Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Use, Potentials, and Military Implications

    Terrorist and Insurgent Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Use, Potentials, and Military Implications Dr Robert J Bunker Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Derived from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) use threat scenarios, three levels of military significance are foreseen with terrorist and insurgent activities associated with these devices. Because of the technologies that will eventually be associated with UAVs—robotics and expert (and artificial intelligence) systems networked together—their significance is projected as increasing over time from the tactical to the operational and then to the strategic levels of concern..."
    • Published On: 8/1/2015
  •  China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S.

    China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S.

    China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S. Mr Roman Muzalevsky Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "China’s emergence as a global actor has questioned the position of the United States as the strongest power and the future of the Washington-led global order. But achieving the status of a truly global player wielding influence in all dimensions of power would require China, among other things, to leverage its regional influence in Central Asia. This region is increasingly representing China’s western leg of economic expansion and development, and is of a growing strategic importance for Beijing. It is also a region that should be of greater strategic importance to Washington, which seeks to preserve its leading position in the international system and ensure China’s peaceful integration in the global political, security, and economic architecture. "
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
  •  Reassessing the Barriers to Islamic Radicalization in Kazakhstan

    Reassessing the Barriers to Islamic Radicalization in Kazakhstan

    Reassessing the Barriers to Islamic Radicalization in Kazakhstan Ms Zhulduz Baizakova, Mr Roger N McDermott Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The authors reassess the barriers to Islamic radicalization in the Republic of Kazakhstan. They provide crucial analysis and findings for policymakers seeking to engage with the country, while also presenting important insights into the historical and cultural impediments in the path of radicalizing its youth. Despite the proximity of the Central Asian Republics to Afghanistan and the Global War on Terrorism, unlike its neighbors, Kazakhstan has remained relatively stable and low risk in the face of international terrorism and extremism. This monograph examines some of the reasons as to why this is the case, proving that early judgements offered by commentators concerning Kazakhstan’s experience of domestic politically inspired violence in 2011-12, exaggerated the potential threat of growing Islamic radicalization. "
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
  •  The Limits of Military Officers’ Duty to Obey Civilian Orders: A Neo-Classical Perspective

    The Limits of Military Officers’ Duty to Obey Civilian Orders: A Neo-Classical Perspective

    The Limits of Military Officers’ Duty to Obey Civilian Orders: A Neo-Classical Perspective Mr Robert E Atkinson, Jr Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Several post-September 11, 2001, events—the invasion of Afghanistan and the second invasion of Iraq, the use of “enhanced interrogation,” the detentions at Guantanamo, the “air-only” attacks on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria—have raised a perennially perplexing issue of civilian/military relations: principled limitations on military officers’ duty to obey civilian orders. Not surprisingly, contemporary answers have split along a familiar fault line. Those on one side emphasize, more or less rigorously, officers’ general professional duty to obey; those on the other emphasize, more or less expansively, familiar exceptions for irrational, illegal, or immoral orders."
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
  •  Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options

    Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options

    Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options Dr Norman Cigar Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "As America’s de facto co-belligerents who often share the same battlespace in the fight against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the presence and activity of Iraq’s Shia warlords and their militias have an impact on U.S. interests and policies at both the strategic and operational levels. The practical objective of this monograph is to provide a better understanding of the Shia militia phenomenon and to highlight the factors with which U.S. policymakers and U.S. Army planners and commanders will have to deal with respect to operations in Iraq. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The present monograph by Strategic Studies Institute professor Dr. R. Evan Ellis is one of the first in-depth treatments of contemporary Russian engagement with the countries of Latin America and its significance from a national security perspective. As such, it provides important insights into both the nature of the challenge posed by Russia, as well as the evolving role and persistent importance of Latin America and the Caribbean to the national security of the United States. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  Russian Ballistic Missile Defense: Rhetoric and Reality

    Russian Ballistic Missile Defense: Rhetoric and Reality

    Russian Ballistic Missile Defense: Rhetoric and Reality Mr Keir Giles Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Russia has made air and space defense, including ballistic missile defense (BMD), a top priority, while at the same time protesting vehemently against the deployment of U.S. missile defense technology in Europe, which Moscow claims upsets strategic stability and increases the danger of war. Russian declaratory policy provides U.S. policymakers with significant material to develop an approach intended to mitigate Russian obstructionism over European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) and U.S. plans for BMD more broadly. Put simply, Russian complaints at the dangerous irresponsibility of the United States introducing new anti-missile capabilities ring hollow, when Russia is forging ahead with its own program to do precisely the same."
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  From Frozen Ties to Strategic Engagement: U.S.-Iranian Relationship in 2030

    From Frozen Ties to Strategic Engagement: U.S.-Iranian Relationship in 2030

    From Frozen Ties to Strategic Engagement: U.S.-Iranian Relationship in 2030 Mr Roman Muzalevsky Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Locked in a confrontational stance lasting more than 3 decades, the United States and Iran have failed repeatedly to transform their hostile relationship. The ongoing nuclear talks, however, offer better prospects of not only addressing Iran’s nuclear program challenges, but also developing a mutually beneficial strategic relationship between the United States and Iran in the long term. Why are these prospects better today? According to Mr. Roman Muzalevsky, the coming to power of new presidential administrations in both countries, the additional sanctions under the Barack Obama administration, game-changing regional trends, as well as U.S.-Iranian economic and security cooperation imperatives, have all facilitated an interim nuclear deal, prompting talks of a promising start in U.S.-Iranian ties that, if cultivated, could turn into a strategic détente by 2030."
    • Published On: 5/1/2015
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