

  •  World View: The 1996 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute

    World View: The 1996 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute

    World View: The 1996 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute Dr Earl H Tilford Jr Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The analysts at the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) annually assess the strategic equation for their particular area of interest. This year they were asked to consider not only the next 12-18 months, but also to look 10 years ahead and to think about the future as it might affect both the nation and the Army. From the strategic context that they envision, SSI is producing its 1996 Study Program. This process provides the transition from the general strategic context to individual studies."
    • Published On: 2/1/1996
  •  Armies and Democracy in the New Africa: Lessons from Nigeria and South Africa

    Armies and Democracy in the New Africa: Lessons from Nigeria and South Africa

    Armies and Democracy in the New Africa: Lessons from Nigeria and South Africa Dr Kent Hughes Butts, Dr Steven Metz Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "To the surprise of many observers, Africa has experienced a recent wave of democratic transitions and popular movements in support of open government. But this trend is far from irreversible. In particular, African civil-military relations must be reformed. The United States should play a major role in this. To do so, American planners and policymakers must have a clear, historically-grounded understanding of the dominant patterns of African civil-military relations."
    • Published On: 1/9/1996
  •  Strategic Implications for the United States and Latin America of the 1995 Ecuador-Peru War

    Strategic Implications for the United States and Latin America of the 1995 Ecuador-Peru War

    Strategic Implications for the United States and Latin America of the 1995 Ecuador-Peru War Dr Gabriel Marcella, Department of National Security and Strategy Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "One of the more serious dangers to peace and security in Latin America is the territorial dispute between Ecuador and Peru, which broke out into warfare in February-March 1995. In this monograph, Dr. Gabriel Marcella explores the critical historical and strategic dimensions of the conflict. He argues that unless this age-old dispute is settled amicably and soon, it could very well generate a more disastrous war in the future. Dr. Marcella proposes a basis for settlement and provides specific policy recommendations for the United States and the inter-American community."
    • Published On: 11/24/1995
  •  Strategic Plans, Joint Doctrine and Antipodean Insights

    Strategic Plans, Joint Doctrine and Antipodean Insights

    Strategic Plans, Joint Doctrine and Antipodean Insights Prof Douglas C Lovelace Jr, Dr Thomas-Durell Young Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This is the second in an analytical series on joint issues. It follows the authors’ U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus, in which they articulated the need for more formal joint strategic plans. This essay examines the effect such plans would have on joint doctrine development and illustrates the potential benefits evident in Australian defense planning."
    • Published On: 10/20/1995
  •  Strategic Art: The New Discipline for 21st Century Leaders

    Strategic Art: The New Discipline for 21st Century Leaders

    Strategic Art: The New Discipline for 21st Century Leaders LTG Richard A Chilcoat Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
    • Published On: 10/10/1995
  •  Yugoslavia's Wars: The Problem from Hell

    Yugoslavia's Wars: The Problem from Hell

    Yugoslavia's Wars: The Problem from Hell Dr Stephen J Blank Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "By the summer of 1995 it appeared possible that the wars in the former Yugoslavia had reached a climactic point. During that summer Croatia's army revealed itself as a professional, competent force and recaptured the Krajina territory lost to Serbia in 1991. Though this campaign led to thousands of Serb refugees, neither the UN nor the West did anything and, indeed, it was clear that this offensive enjoyed tacit Western support. In August 1995, immediately following this campaign, the United States launched its own diplomatic offensive that combined its political standing, Croatia's military prowess, and NATO bombing of Bosnian Serb positions due to Serb shelling of Sarajevo and other safe havens..."
    • Published On: 10/1/1995
  •  U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus

    U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus

    U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Planning: The Missing Nexus Prof Douglas C Lovelace Jr, Dr Thomas-Durell Young Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This is the pilot in a series of reports on strategic planning conducted within the U.S. Department of Defense. It focuses on the strategic planning responsibilities of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because planning at that level provides the critical nexus between the strategic direction provided by the National Command Authorities and its implementation by the unified combatant commands and military departments. The authors’ thorough understanding of the statutory requirements for strategic planning and the interactions between the Chairman’s complex strategic planning process and other key DOD planning systems enables them to explicate today’s strategic planning challenges and offer insightful recommendations."
    • Published On: 9/1/1995
  •  U.S. Policy in the Balkans: A Hobson's Choice

    U.S. Policy in the Balkans: A Hobson's Choice

    U.S. Policy in the Balkans: A Hobson's Choice Dr Stephen J Blank, Dr William T Johnsen, Dr Earl H Tilford Jr Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The United States is already engaged militarily in the ongoing crisis in the Balkans. Since November 1992, U.S. naval vessels have taken part in the maritime enforcement of the U.N. embargo of the belligerents. U.S. Air Force transport aircraft have dropped tons of humanitarian aid to besieged enclaves. U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft participate daily in the enforcement of the U.N. "no-fly zone" over Bosnia-Hercegovina, have shot down Bosnian Serb aircraft, and have been the principal participants in NATO bombing missions supporting the U. N. Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia- Hercegovina..."
    • Published On: 8/28/1995
  •  Strategy and the Revolution in Military Affairs: From Theory to Policy

    Strategy and the Revolution in Military Affairs: From Theory to Policy

    Strategy and the Revolution in Military Affairs: From Theory to Policy LTC James Kievit, Dr Steven Metz Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "A small band of “RMA” analysts has emerged in the military and Department of Defense, in the academic strategic studies community, and in defense-related think-tanks and consulting firms. To these analysts, the Gulf War provided a vision of a potential revolution in military affairs (RMA) in which “Information Age” technology would be combined with appropriate doctrine and training to allow a small but very advanced U.S. military to protect national interests with unprecedented efficiency."
    • Published On: 6/27/1995
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