Shaping the World through Engagement: Assessing the Department of Defense's Theater Engagement Planning Process
COL Thomas Jordan, Prof Douglas C Lovelace Jr, Dr Thomas-Durell Young
Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
"The Department of Defense (DoD) has launched a new and ambitious planning initiative that could have a major impact upon how resources are allocated among the armed services and the combatant commands. The administration has directed the geographic combatant commanders-in-chief (CINCs) to implement the administration’s strategy of “shape, respond and prepare now.” Of course, DoD, the Military Departments, and constituent agencies have long been accustomed to “preparing” for potential conflicts so that the U.S. armed forces could “respond” when directed by the national command authorities (NCA). “Shaping,” however, has been a bit more problematic. A very strong argument could be made that the U.S. armed services have long been engaged in shaping activities in the international environment. From U.S. Marines all but occupying and governing Caribbean and Central American countries in the early part of this century, to U.S. servicemen and women engaged in peace-enforcement operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina today, many past and present U.S. operations can be categorized as shaping activities."