

  •  The Fog of Peace: The Military Dimensions of the Concert of Europe

    The Fog of Peace: The Military Dimensions of the Concert of Europe

    The Fog of Peace: The Military Dimensions of the Concert of Europe Dr Daniel Moran Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
    • Published On: 6/9/1995
  •  The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War

    The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War

    The Technological Fix: Weapons and the Cost of War Dr Alex Roland Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "A tremendous faith in technology is an abiding American characteristic. The idea that technology can be leveraged to make up for shortfalls in numbers–be those numbers of troops, weapons, or dollars–is as appealing as it is traditional. In the following pages, Dr. Roland examines three instances in which states turned to technology to drive military strategy: chariot warfare in the second millennium B.C., Greek fire in the first millennium A.D., and submarine warfare in the early 19th century. These cases, distinct in time, provide a fresh perspective on issues facing the Army as it molds itself into Force XXI"
    • Published On: 6/6/1995
  •  Time's Cycle and National Military Strategy: The Case for Continuity in a Time of Change

    Time's Cycle and National Military Strategy: The Case for Continuity in a Time of Change

    Time's Cycle and National Military Strategy: The Case for Continuity in a Time of Change Dr David Jablonsky Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
    • Published On: 6/1/1995
  •  Canada, Getting It Right This Time the 1994 Defence White Paper

    Canada, Getting It Right This Time the 1994 Defence White Paper

    Canada, Getting It Right This Time the 1994 Defence White Paper Dr Joel J Sokolsky Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Canada and the United States have stood together for more than half a century; allies and partners in war and peace. As the Canadian Defence Forces and the U.S. Army seek to shape change rather than to be shaped by it, they cannot help but profit from an open debate of the difficult issues that confront them. To that end, the Strategic Studies Institute presents Dr. Sokolsky’s views for your consideration."
    • Published On: 5/31/1995
  •  The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy: Central issues . . . Key Players

    The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy: Central issues . . . Key Players

    The European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy: Central issues . . . Key Players Dr Fraser Cameron, Prof Roy Ginsberg, Mr Josef Janning Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute Sponsored by: The Strategic Studies Institute, The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, and Delegation of the European Commission to the United States Washington, DC "Since the signing of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), the European Union (EU) has undertaken a number of actions under the aegis of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). An important development has been the ability to move from declaratory statements to operational actions."
    • Published On: 5/10/1995
  •  Ready For What and Modernized Against Whom?: A Strategic Perspective on Readiness and Modernization

    Ready For What and Modernized Against Whom?: A Strategic Perspective on Readiness and Modernization

    Ready For What and Modernized Against Whom?: A Strategic Perspective on Readiness and Modernization Dr Jeffrey Record Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Modernization, Dr. Record argues, should be approached cautiously. Since the pace of technological change is so rapid, the United States must be much more discriminating in deciding what technologies to pursue from conceptualization through development and prototyping to production and deployment. While we can build a great many different technologically advanced weapons, the challenge is to decide which ones are necessary."
    • Published On: 4/10/1995
  •  The National Security Strategy: Documenting Strategic Vision Second Edition

    The National Security Strategy: Documenting Strategic Vision Second Edition

    The National Security Strategy: Documenting Strategic Vision Second Edition Dr Don M Snider Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The issue addressed in the following paper is whether it is wise in the future to attempt anything more than broad and episodic planning as a part of the formulation of strategy at this level."
    • Published On: 3/15/1995
  •  World View: The 1995 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute

    World View: The 1995 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute

    World View: The 1995 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute Dr Earl H Tilford Jr Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Every year the analysts at the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) prepare current assessments for their particular areas of interest. These assessments become the bedrock of the annual SSI Study Program. This year's assessments are crucial given the complexities of the post-Cold War world. Russia remains an enigma wrapped in a riddle with Russian national interests very much paramount in the Kremlin's thinking. As 1995 begins, Russian troops are heavily engaged in putting down a rebellion in the secessionist republic of Chechnya. The implications for the future of Russian democracy may be significant."
    • Published On: 2/10/1995
  •  Assad and the Peace Process: The Pivotal Role of Lebanon

    Assad and the Peace Process: The Pivotal Role of Lebanon

    Assad and the Peace Process: The Pivotal Role of Lebanon Dr Stephen C Pelletiere Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This study considers the remarkable performance of Syria's President Hafez al Assad, who took what apparently was a bankrupt negotiating stance in the Arab-Israeli peace talks and turned it into a position of strength"
    • Published On: 2/1/1995
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