Letort Papers


  •  Alliances and American National Security

    Alliances and American National Security

    Alliances and American National Security Dr Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "One of the greatest challenges facing the United States today is the translation of its overwhelming might into effective influence. Traditionally, the United States has leveraged its power through bilateral and multilateral alliances. However, the end of the Cold War and the events of September 11, 2001, have led some policymakers and analysts to question the value of alliances in American foreign and defense policy."
    • Published On: 10/1/2006
  •  Strategic Planning by the Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990 TO 2005

    Strategic Planning by the Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990 TO 2005

    Strategic Planning by the Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990 TO 2005 Dr Richard M Meinhart Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Military leaders at many levels have used strategic planning in various ways to position their organizations to respond to the demands of the current situation, while simultaneously focusing on future challenges. This Letort Paper examines how four Chairmen Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1990 to 2005 used a strategic planning system to enable them to meet their statutory responsibilities specified in Title 10 US Code and respond to the ever-changing strategic environment. These responsibilities include: assisting the President and Secretary of Defense in providing strategic direction to the armed forces; conducting strategic planning and net assessments to determine military capabilities; preparing contingency planning and assessing preparedness; and providing advice on requirements, programs, and budgets."
    • Published On: 4/1/2006
  •  Strategic Theory for the 21st Century: The Little Book on Big Strategy

    Strategic Theory for the 21st Century: The Little Book on Big Strategy

    Strategic Theory for the 21st Century: The Little Book on Big Strategy Dr Harry R Yarger Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The word “strategy” pervades American conversation and our news media. We tend to use strategy as a general term for a plan, a concept, a course of action, or a “vision” of the direction in which to proceed at the personal, organizational, and governmental—local, state, or federal—levels. Such casual use of the term to describe nothing more than “what we would like to do next” is inappropriate and belies the complexity of true strategy and strategic thinking. It reduces strategy to just a good idea without the necessary underlying thought or development. It also leads to confusion between strategy and planning, confining strategic possibilities to near-time planning assumptions and details, while limiting the flexibility of strategic thought and setting inappropriately specific expectations of outcomes. "
    • Published On: 2/1/2006
  •  Victories are Not Enough

    Victories are Not Enough

    Victories are Not Enough Dr Samuel J Newland Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This Letort Paper is designed to explore these issues and provide an overview of the development of Germany as a nation and German military thought in the 19th century. It examines the origins of modern German military thinking and the concepts promoted by some of Germany’s key military and political leadership."
    • Published On: 12/1/2005
  •  U.S. Defense Strategy After Saddam

    U.S. Defense Strategy After Saddam

    U.S. Defense Strategy After Saddam Dr Michael E O'Hanlon Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In this defense strategy and budget monograph, Michael O’Hanlon argues that America’s large defense budget cannot be pared realistically in the years ahead. But given the extreme demands of the Iraq mission, particularly on the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, he suggests how reductions in various weapons modernization programs and other economies might free up enough funds to add at least 40,000 more ground troops to today’s military. O’Hanlon also addresses the important question of how the United States might encourage and help other countries to share more of the global military burden. Finally, he sketches other cost cutting measures such as privatization. These cost saving ideas all require serious consideration because of the enormous strain being placed on the size and cost of the U.S. ground forces."
    • Published On: 7/1/2005
  •  The United States and Colombia: Untying the Gordian Knot

    The United States and Colombia: Untying the Gordian Knot

    The United States and Colombia: Untying the Gordian Knot AMB David Passage Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Twenty-five years after the end of the Vietnam War, the ghost of that war still haunts decisionmakers when it comes to making long-term commitments to situations that remotely resemble anything like our Indochina experience. That is the case with Colombia, which is embroiled in an internecine struggle with two guerrilla movements, bent on overthrowing the government, as well as with narcotraffickers and paramilitary forces."
    • Published On: 3/1/2000
  •  Traditional Military Thinking and the Defensive Strategy of China

    Traditional Military Thinking and the Defensive Strategy of China

    Traditional Military Thinking and the Defensive Strategy of China LTG Li Jijun, Dr Earl H Tilford Jr Letort Paper by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Lieutenant General Li Jijun is the Vice President of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Academy of Military Science. The Academy is the principal military institution for developing military doctrine and strategic theory in the People's Republic of China. Established in 1958 on the northwestern side of Beijing, the Academy has a mostly military staff of about 500 full-time researchers, engineers, and specialists, some of whom are scholars of national repute and tutors of doctoral candidates."
    • Published On: 8/29/1997
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