•  A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare

    A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare

    A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare Mr Kevin J Cogan Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "In March 2004, the U.S. Army War College (USAWC) in cooperation with the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Office of Force Transformation (OFT) initiated a study focusing on the U.S. Army V Corps’ and 3rd Infantry Division’s major combat operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). This study, entitled “Network Centric Warfare Case Study: U.S. V Corps and 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Iraqi Freedom Combat Operations (March-April 2003)” is one of several case studies commissioned by OFT to determine the military’s ability to conduct operations in accordance with network centric warfare (NCW) concepts."
    • Published On: 3/15/2007
  •  Proteus Futures Workshop 2006: Analyzing Future Complex National Security Challenges within the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Environment

    Proteus Futures Workshop 2006: Analyzing Future Complex National Security Challenges within the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Environment

    Proteus Futures Workshop 2006: Analyzing Future Complex National Security Challenges within the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Environment Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "From 22 to 24 August 2006 the Proteus Management Group USA hosted an Academic Workshop to bring together specialists from academia, the defense community, and civilian organizations to share information and insights on analyzing future complex national security challenges. "
    • Published On: 1/30/2007
  •  Information as Power

    Information as Power

    Information as Power Ms Cindy E Ayers, Dr Jeffrey L Groh, Dennis M Murphy, Prof David John Smith Anthology by the US Army War College, The Information in Warfare Working Group, Center for Strategic Leadership "The Information in Warfare Working Group (I2WG) of the United States Army War College is pleased to present this anthology of selected student work from Academic Year 2006 representing examples of well-written and in-depth analyses on the vital subject of Information in Warfare. The charter of the working group calls for it to coordinate and recommend the design, development and integration of content and courses related to the information element of power into the curriculum to prepare students for senior leadership positions. This publication is an important component of that effort."
    • Published On: 1/26/2007
  •  Belize 2021 National Security Framework: Strengthening the Links between Policy, Resource Allocation and Execution

    Belize 2021 National Security Framework: Strengthening the Links between Policy, Resource Allocation and Execution

    Belize 2021 National Security Framework: Strengthening the Links between Policy, Resource Allocation and Execution COL Dale C Eikmeier, Prof Bernard F Griffard Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The absence of an institutionalized process for long-range national security planning is a strategic disadvantage. To reduce risk and achieve Vision 2021, Belize requires an integrated national security architecture that develops policy, coordinates action plans, monitors execution, reviews progress and maintains a long-term perspective. Currently, the government does not possess an adequate national security planning structure with the requisit capability. Redesigning the current national security architecture so that it provides long-range planning, coordination between cabinet ministers and their agencies, and monitoring of security programs can be the difference between success and failure of a national security strategy. "
    • Published On: 12/15/2006
  •  The Collins Center Update Volume 9, Issue 1: October - December 2006

    The Collins Center Update Volume 9, Issue 1: October - December 2006

    The Collins Center Update Volume 9, Issue 1: October - December 2006 B.F. Griffard, Colonel Dale C. Eikmeier, Captain Raymond G. De Lucio, Mr. Ritchie Dion, COL Scott McConnell, Colonel Robert Hume Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 12/15/2006
  •  Proteus: New Insights for a New Age; Proteus Futures Academic Workshop Report

    Proteus: New Insights for a New Age; Proteus Futures Academic Workshop Report

    Proteus: New Insights for a New Age; Proteus Futures Academic Workshop Report Mister William O Waddell, COL William L Wimbish III Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The Proteus Management Group (PMG) hosted the first annual Proteus Futures Academic Workshop 22-24 August 06 at the Center for Strategic Leadership, United States Army War College at Carlisle Barracks. This workshop was focused on providing scholars from various organizations the opportunity to present papers on topics and issues related to the Proteus Insights that addressed future strategic national security challenges. Workshop participants were from a variety of nations, disciplines, and backgrounds, and included: students and faculty from universities, colleges and military service schools; government civilian and military senior leaders, planners and analysts from joint agencies, the uniformed services and the national intelligence community; former political appointees, and international representatives from Canada and Israel."
    • Published On: 11/15/2006
  •  Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume I: Operations U.S. V Corps and 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Iraqi Freedom (March-April 2003)

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume I: Operations U.S. V Corps and 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Iraqi Freedom (March-April 2003)

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume I: Operations U.S. V Corps and 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Iraqi Freedom (March-April 2003) Mr David W Cammons, Douglas Lindsay, LTC Alan Seise, John B Tisserand III, Duane E Williams Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "This report highlights the results of a study of Network Centric Operations (NCO) as executed by V Corps and the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized), (3 ID (M)), during the major offensive combat operations of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from March 2003 through April 2003. The U.S. V Corps was the senior U.S. Army tactical headquarters responsible for operations conducted primarily along and to the west of the Euphrates River, to include the seizure of Baghdad. At the onset of the campaign (crossing the Kuwait-Iraq border) 3 ID (M) was the only ground maneuver force available to V Corps and continued as the corps’ main effort through the seizure of Baghdad."
    • Published On: 11/6/2006
  •  Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume II: A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume II: A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume II: A View of Command, Control, Communications and Computer Architectures at the Dawn of Network Centric Warfare Mr David W Cammons, Mr Kevin J Cogan, CPT Raymond G Delucio Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "...The study hypothesis postulates that “improved sensors, connectivity systems, and networked information technologies enhanced the combat effectiveness of U.S. V Corps and its subordinate units during OIF major offensive combat operations.” The results largely validated the study hypothesis. This study argues that the introduction of extended reach communications and networked information technologies significantly enhanced the ability of U.S. Army commanders to make faster decisions, more easily exploit tactical opportunities, conduct coordinated maneuver while advancing further and faster than at any previous time and more fully integrate and synchronize joint fires; all of which resulted in the rapid defeat of Iraqi military forces and the fall of the Ba’athist Regime in Baghdad..."
    • Published On: 11/6/2006
  •  Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume III: Network Centric Warfare Insights

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume III: Network Centric Warfare Insights

    Network Centric Warfare Case Study Volume III: Network Centric Warfare Insights John B Tisserand III, David Cammons Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "During the past decade, U.S. Armed Forces have been in the process of transforming from an industrial age to an information age military. This transformation is still ongoing; however, Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom demonstrate the emerging power and potential of transformation, at least in part, through the power of information-networked forces."
    • Published On: 11/6/2006
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