Past Publications

US Army War College Press

  •  The New RC: Will it Please Anyone?

    The New RC: Will it Please Anyone?

    The New RC: Will it Please Anyone? Dr Dallas D Owens Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "To their credit, the Army National Guard (ARNG) and the Army Reserve (USAR) have proposed sweeping changes to make their components capable of meeting future Army requirements. Predictions for those future requirements come from a variety of Department of Defense (DoD) offices and envision a near- to mid-term strategic environment requiring constant mobilization at levels less than, but near, those currently experienced. In turn, the ARNG and USAR know they cannot meet that need unless significant changes are made to their force structure, training, and mobilization process. Central to their proposed changes is the notion of a rotational force."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  The Power of Division and Unity

    The Power of Division and Unity

    The Power of Division and Unity Dr Sherifa D Zuhur Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Twelve cartoons published by the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, on September 30, 2005, and reprinted in January in other European newspapers unleashed a strong reaction in the Muslim world. Wildly different conclusions were drawn from these events, as from several other important and divisive incidents that followed, including the thwarted takeover of port management by the Dubai Ports World and sectarian fighting in Iraq. Oddly, the cartoon incident might be the most significant illustration of extreme polarization, which has not yet been bridged nor fully addressed."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  Afghanistan: Reconstituting a Collapsed State

    Afghanistan: Reconstituting a Collapsed State

    Afghanistan: Reconstituting a Collapsed State LTC Raymond A Millen Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In this monograph, Lieutenant Colonel Raymond A. Millen examines warlordism as the principal impediment to Afghanistan’s revival and offers a shift in strategy that addresses the war of ideas, the counternarcotics initiative, and the incorporation of the Afghan National Army into the provincial reconstruction teams. As Lieutenant Colonel Millen observes, all the resources are in place; they simply need a shift in focus. Lieutenant Colonel Millen takes into account the historical, cultural, and economic factors that impede central authority and the reforms needed for modern states. His problem-solving approach is insightful, pragmatic, and innovative."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  The Transatlantic Defense Industrial Base: Restructuring Scenarios and Their Implications

    The Transatlantic Defense Industrial Base: Restructuring Scenarios and Their Implications

    The Transatlantic Defense Industrial Base: Restructuring Scenarios and Their Implications Dr Terrence R Guay Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Today, U.S. and European defense firms are at a crossroads. Opportunities for the construction of a transatlantic defense sector are tangible, but significant obstacles may accelerate the formation of a bipolar industrial base. While market forces played a key role in the transformation and consolidation of these sectors in recent years, political considerations are largely responsible for a restructuring process that has been almost entirely among U.S. firms in the United States and among European Union companies in Europe."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  Transformation and Strategic Surprise

    Transformation and Strategic Surprise

    Transformation and Strategic Surprise Dr Colin S Gray Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In this monograph, Dr. Colin Gray takes a broad view of strategic surprise, and relates it to the current military transformation. He argues that the kind of strategic surprise to which the United States is most at risk and which is most damaging to our national security is the deep and pervasive connection between war and politics. Although America is usually superior at making war, it is far less superior in making peace out of war. Dr. Gray concludes that the current military transformation shows no plausible promise of helping to correct the long-standing U.S. weakness in the proper use of forces as an instrument of policy."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  American Grand Strategy After 9/11: An Assessment

    American Grand Strategy After 9/11: An Assessment

    American Grand Strategy After 9/11: An Assessment Dr Stephen D Biddle Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Grand strategic choices are among the most important decisions senior leaders must make. Getting grand strategy right is fundamental to success in the Global War on Terrorism. This monograph assesses the grand strategic choices presented to the United States since 2001, by evaluating their ability to serve our basic national security interests in a post-September 11, 2001 (9/11), world, and by identifying implications for American policy in the coming years."
    • Published On: 4/1/2005
  •  Seizing the Day: Resolution in and around the Black Sea

    Seizing the Day: Resolution in and around the Black Sea

    Seizing the Day: Resolution in and around the Black Sea Dr Stephen J Blank Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "President Bush’s February 2005 meeting with European and Russian leaders represented an attempt to repair relations with each of these governments, with NATO, and with the European Union (EU). While Iraq, Iran, and Israel probably were the main issues in these meetings, recent events in the Black Sea basin provide an enormous opportunity to advance a common Western agenda and even possibly to associate Russia with an extension of the realm of security in Europe."
    • Published On: 3/1/2005
  •  The Return of the Latin American Left

    The Return of the Latin American Left

    The Return of the Latin American Left Dr Alex Crowther Op-Ed by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Latin America watchers decry the rise of the political left in the region, citing its animosity towards both the United States and globalization. According to this point of view, the left is rising and its influence will be detrimental to hemispheric economic and political development."
    • Published On: 3/1/2005
  •  Street Gangs: The New Urban Insurgency

    Street Gangs: The New Urban Insurgency

    Street Gangs: The New Urban Insurgency Dr Max G Manwaring Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This monograph explains the linkage of contemporary criminal street gangs (that is, the gang phenomenon or third generation gangs) to insurgency in terms of the instability it wreaks upon governments and the concomitant challenge to state sovereignty. Although differences between gangs and insurgents regarding motives and modes of operations exist, this linkage infers that gang phenomena are mutated forms of urban insurgency. In these terms, these “new” nonstate actors must eventually seize political power to guarantee the freedom of action and the commercial environment they want. The common denominator that can link the gang phenomenon to insurgency is that some third generation gangs’ and insurgents’ ultimate objective is to depose or control the governments of targeted countries."
    • Published On: 3/1/2005
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