Past Publications

US Army War College Press

  •  Natural Gas as an Instrument of Russian State Power

    Natural Gas as an Instrument of Russian State Power

    Natural Gas as an Instrument of Russian State Power Mr Alexander Ghaleb Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The slow re-emergence of Russia as a world power despite its weak military force is of critical significance for the strategic interests of the United States in Europe. Since the Cold War, Russia has been perceived as a broken nation that no longer represents a threat to the North Atlantic Alliance. This monograph emphasizes that Russia overcame this major vulnerability by developing the capacity to use unilateral economic sanctions in the form of gas pricing and gas disruptions against many European North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states."
    • Published On: 10/1/2011
  •  The Afghanistan Question and the Reset in U.S.-Russian Relations

    The Afghanistan Question and the Reset in U.S.-Russian Relations

    The Afghanistan Question and the Reset in U.S.-Russian Relations Dr Richard J Krickus Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has said that the ability of the United States and Russia to cooperate in Afghanistan will be a solid test of their reset in relations. That proposition is the thesis of this monograph. Many analysts in both countries would agree with this assessment, but a significant number of them believe a fruitful reset is implausible."
    • Published On: 10/1/2011
  •  Mexico's "Narco-Refugees": The Looming Challenge for U.S. National Security

    Mexico's "Narco-Refugees": The Looming Challenge for U.S. National Security

    Mexico's "Narco-Refugees": The Looming Challenge for U.S. National Security Dr Paul Rexton Kan Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Since 2006, when Mexican president Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels, there has been a rise in the number of Mexican nationals seeking political asylum in the United States to escape the ongoing drug cartel violence in their home country. Political asylum cases in general are claimed by those who are targeted for their political beliefs or ethnicity in countries that are repressive or failing. Mexico is neither. Nonetheless, if the health of the Mexican state declines because criminal violence continues, increases, or spreads, U.S. communities will feel an even greater burden on their systems of public safety and public health from “narco-refugees.” Given the ever-increasing brutality of the cartels, the question is whether and how the United States Government should begin to prepare for what could be a new wave of migrants coming from Mexico. "
    • Published On: 10/1/2011
  •  Presidential Succession Scenarios in Egypt and Their Impact on U.S.-Egyptian Strategic Relations

    Presidential Succession Scenarios in Egypt and Their Impact on U.S.-Egyptian Strategic Relations

    Presidential Succession Scenarios in Egypt and Their Impact on U.S.-Egyptian Strategic Relations Mr Gregory Aftandilian Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "The momentous events in Egypt since January 25, 2011, have focused the world’s attention on that critical country. Mostly young, pro-democracy activists appear to have successfully challenged Egypt’s authoritarian government and its long-time leader. President Hosni Mubarak has been driven from office and is reportedly in poor health. Hence, regime change is virtually certain. The Egyptian military, long a major power broker, gained popular support for its restrained reaction to the uprisings of January-February 2011 and currently (July 2011) the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, headed by Field Marshall Hussein Tantawi, leads the nation pending promised elections in the autumn. However, recent events suggest that the military may be reluctant to relinquish power fully, and popular unrest against it is rising. Thus, most scenarios discussed in this paper, or variations thereof, are still very possible."
    • Published On: 10/1/2011
  •  2011-2012 US Army War College Key Strategic Issues List

    2011-2012 US Army War College Key Strategic Issues List

    2011-2012 US Army War College Key Strategic Issues List Antulio J. Echevarria II Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) is published annually for the purpose of making students and other researchers aware of strategic topics that are, or should be, of special importance to the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army. The list is a compilation of input from the faculty at the U.S. Army War College, as well as from civilian and military experts across the field of defense studies. The topics reflect ongoing as well as anticipated strategic concerns, each of which is revised as the changing security environment warrants. This year has seen immense political and social changes sweep across North Africa and the Middle East. It has also seen important strategic and tactical successes in the war against al Qaeda..."
    • Published On: 9/19/2011
  •  Adapting, Transforming, and Modernizing Under Fire: The Mexican Military 2006-11

    Adapting, Transforming, and Modernizing Under Fire: The Mexican Military 2006-11

    Adapting, Transforming, and Modernizing Under Fire: The Mexican Military 2006-11 Mr Inigo Guevara Moyano Letort Paper by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Since President Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006, Mexico has embarked upon the implementation of a culture of law and security that has triggered a war with organized crime. This war has involved all sectors of society and has activated a series of renovations in its armed forces, which to date remain the most trusted institutions in Mexican society. This groundbreaking Letort Paper is an important contribution to an understanding of the structure, culture, motivators, and challenges of the Mexican military in the 21st century..."
    • Published On: 9/1/2011
  •  Threat Posed by Mounting Vigilantism in Mexico

    Threat Posed by Mounting Vigilantism in Mexico

    Threat Posed by Mounting Vigilantism in Mexico Dr George W Grayson Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Until the 1980s, Mexico enjoyed relative freedom from violence. Ruthless drug cartels existed, but they usually abided by informal rules of the game hammered out between several capos and representatives of the dominant Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled the country in Tammany Hallfashion from 1929 until the 1990s. Relying on bribes or mordidas, the desperados pursued their illicit activities with the connivance of authorities, frequently through ad hoc pacts that might last days, weeks, or months. "
    • Published On: 9/1/2011
  •  Puncturing the Counterinsurgency Myth: Britain and Irregular Warfare in the Past, Present, and Future

    Puncturing the Counterinsurgency Myth: Britain and Irregular Warfare in the Past, Present, and Future

    Puncturing the Counterinsurgency Myth: Britain and Irregular Warfare in the Past, Present, and Future Dr Andrew Mumford Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Britain’s numerous counterinsurgency campaigns in the post-World War II era have resulted in a generally accepted academic assessment that this volume of experience equates to competence in the realm of irregular warfare. However, the British response to the complexities of 21st century insurgencies, particularly in their decentralized and globally networked form, has threatened to expose this competency as a colonial-era myth. Quantity of counterinsurgency combat experience has not equated to outright quality."
    • Published On: 9/1/2011
  •  National Security Reform 2010: A Midterm Assessment

    National Security Reform 2010: A Midterm Assessment

    National Security Reform 2010: A Midterm Assessment Dr Joseph R Cerami, Dr Robert H Dorff, Mr Matthew Harber Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute
    • Published On: 8/1/2011
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