Strategic Issues

  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 -- Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 -- Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 6 --Multilateral Approaches To Security Cooperation On Environmental Issues Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Mr. Curtis Bowling, Principal Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) moderated this panel discussion. The objectives of the session were to promote environmental cooperation between defense and environmental authorities, identify opportunities for multilateral and interagency cooperation, explore the processes and mechanisms available to address consequence management planning, and describe the practical application of information age tools to enhance disaster response and consequence management planning."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4: July-September 2004 LTC Thomas P. Kratman, Eugene L. Thompson, Dr. Kent Hughes Butts, LTC Curtis Turner, Professor James Kievit, CDR Robert Wohlschlegel, Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 1 -- Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Brigadier General Hamad Ali Al-Hinzab, Advisor of the Command and Staff Branch, General Headquarters, Qatar Armed Forces, welcomed the attendees and participants to the Second Environmental Security Conference for the Arabian Gulf. He thanked the participants from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and friends and allies from the United States Central Command, the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense for Environment and Installations, the National Defense College, the Near East-South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, and the U. S. Army War College. He then introduced the Conference Host, His Excellency, Major General Hamad bin Ali Al-Attia, Chief of Staff, Qatar Armed Forces."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Trilateral Strategic Defense Capability Planning Symposium

    Trilateral Strategic Defense Capability Planning Symposium

    Trilateral Strategic Defense Capability Planning Symposium Dr Kent H Butts, LTC Curtis W Turner Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The Republic of the Philippines (RP) has undertaken a bold initiative to reform its national security architecture in order to more effectively address regional terrorist and other transnational threats. This strategic planning initiative has developed the Emerging Security Environment to 2022 document, a National Military Strategy, a National Internal Security Plan, and a Multi-Year Defense Capability Planning System (MYDCaPS). The initiative has its roots in a two-year long series of trilateral, Republic of the Philippines, Australia and United States (U.S.) Senior Leader Strategic Planning Symposia. The Australian Embassy-Manila hosted the latest event, the Trilateral Strategic Defense Capability Planning Symposium, on 13-15 July 2004."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 5 -- Cooperation Between Defense And Other Agencies

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 5 -- Cooperation Between Defense And Other Agencies

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 5 --Cooperation Between Defense And Other Agencies Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "As we move closer to the workshops that will build upon the work started in Oman in 2000, we have seen some common threads in our discussions so far on Environmental Security. First, events can occur in our environment, whether natural or man-made, that can have a significant impact upon national and regional security. Second, prior planning, preparation and information sharing are absolutely critical to having an adequate response. Finally, because of our unique capabilities, militaries have a valid role in preventing where possible, and responding where necessary, to environmental crises. Sometimes the military will be in charge, with multiple other agencies involved..."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 8 -- Closing Remarks

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 8 -- Closing Remarks

    Env Sec Arabian Gulf 9-04 -- Chapter 8 -- Closing Remarks Doctor Kent H Butts, Prof Bernard F Griffard, LTC Curtis W Turner, John B Wheatley Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Closing remarks were made by General Tommy R. Franks, United States Army, Commander, United States Central Command; Ambassador Maureen E. Quinn, United States Ambassador to Qatar; and Major General Hamad bin Ali Al-Attia, Chief of Staff, Qatar Armed Forces. The remarks follow in the order of their presentation."
    • Published On: 9/15/2004
  •  The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4

    The Collins Center Update Volume 6, Issue 4 Dr Kent H Butts, Prof James O Kievit, LTC Thomas P Kratman, Mr Eugene L Thompson, LTC Curtis W Turner, Cdr Robert L Wohlschlegel Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 9/1/2004
  •  Southeast Asia Subject Matter Expert Exchange

    Southeast Asia Subject Matter Expert Exchange

    Southeast Asia Subject Matter Expert Exchange LTC Curtis W Turner, Prof Bert B Tussing, Dr Richard L Winslow Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "From 6-19 June 2004, a team composed of staff members from the United States Army War College’s Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL) and the National Defense University traveled to Indonesia and Malaysia in support of the Pacific Command’s Subject Matter Exchange Program. This team consisted of Dr. Richard Winslow, Professor Bert Tussing and Lieutenant Colonel Curtis Turner of CSL; and Dr. Greg Foster of the National Defense University’s Industrial College of the Armed Forces."
    • Published On: 8/31/2004
  •  Iraq 2003-4 and Mesopotamia 1914-18: A Comparative Analysis in Ends and Means

    Iraq 2003-4 and Mesopotamia 1914-18: A Comparative Analysis in Ends and Means

    Iraq 2003-4 and Mesopotamia 1914-18: A Comparative Analysis in Ends and Means Dr James D. Scudieri Student Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "This paper is a comparative analysis of the linkage between strategic ends with operational ways and means of the current operation in Iraq in 2003-4 and the British campaign in Mesopotamia in 1914-18. The two campaigns took place literally over the same ground. The United States now and Great Britain then both faced significant challenges to project and maintain military power in this part of the world. Moreover, the two great powers inherited daunting civil-military requirements in country. This study has restricted research to unclassified sources on Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Open-source research for an ongoing campaign greatly complicated attainment of a comprehensive understanding of the linkage between ends, ways, and means, but such an option facilitated frank debate with wider dissemination."
    • Published On: 8/15/2004
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