Recent Articles

  •  United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Logistics Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Logistics Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Logistics Unit Manual United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Manual by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, United Nations "This Manual provides commanders of Military Logistics Units and their subordinate leaders the guidance they need for planning, preparing and executing their assigned UN peacekeeping tasks. Moreover, this manual provides advice and information to UN Headquarters planners and field Missions on the employment of Military Logistics Unit capabilities and functions. Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) and their deploying contingents will benefit from this manual, as will their national military staffs, schools and units, as they become better able to support the reorientation of Military Logistics Units from national tasks to more fully integrated operations in UN peacekeeping."
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  The Strategic Importance of the Global Oil Market

    The Strategic Importance of the Global Oil Market

    The Strategic Importance of the Global Oil Market Dr Leif Rosenberger Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper will explain why the confluence of four major factors: 1) rising oil supplies, 2) weak oil demand, 3) financial shifts on Wall Street, and 4) a strong U.S. dollar far outweigh the geopolitical risks in the Mideast and put downward pressure on oil prices. This Paper analyzes the concomitant factors that are now putting upward pressure on oil prices, as well as those that continue to keep oil prices relatively low."
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  The Strategic Lessons Unlearned from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan: Why the ANSF Will Not Hold, and the Implications for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan

    The Strategic Lessons Unlearned from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan: Why the ANSF Will Not Hold, and the Implications for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan

    The Strategic Lessons Unlearned from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan: Why the ANSF Will Not Hold, and the Implications for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan Dr M Chris Mason Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Military personnel who have experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam, as well as senior leaders and military historians alike, will find this book by Dr. Chris Mason thought-provoking and useful. Dr. Mason examines indigenous personnel issues at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels of war and uses empirical data and exhaustive research to argue that all three wars were lost before the first shots were fired—not on the battlefield, but at the strategic level of war."
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The present monograph by Strategic Studies Institute professor Dr. R. Evan Ellis is one of the first in-depth treatments of contemporary Russian engagement with the countries of Latin America and its significance from a national security perspective. As such, it provides important insights into both the nature of the challenge posed by Russia, as well as the evolving role and persistent importance of Latin America and the Caribbean to the national security of the United States. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  Paid to Perform: Aligning Total Military Compensation with Talent Management, Vol. 8

    Paid to Perform: Aligning Total Military Compensation with Talent Management, Vol. 8

    Paid to Perform: Aligning Total Military Compensation with Talent Management, Vol. 8 LTC Michael J Colarusso, COL Andrew O Hall, COL David S Lyle, Major Michael S Walker, Mr Roy A Wallace Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Transforming the U.S. military’s personnel management system is critical to long-run American national security interests, particularly as increasingly capable peer adversaries emerge. Talent management—the science of creating a higher performing, more productive, and more satisfied workforce—is critical to confronting these threats, particularly in an austere fiscal environment. This transformation cannot take place in a vacuum, however. As an extensive body of labor economics literature makes clear, total compensation management is an integral part of talent management. As the military changes the way it accesses, retains, develops, and employs its people, so, too, must it change the ways in which it compensates them. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options

    Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options

    Iraq’s Shia Warlords and Their Militias: Political and Security Challenges and Options Dr Norman Cigar Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "As America’s de facto co-belligerents who often share the same battlespace in the fight against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the presence and activity of Iraq’s Shia warlords and their militias have an impact on U.S. interests and policies at both the strategic and operational levels. The practical objective of this monograph is to provide a better understanding of the Shia militia phenomenon and to highlight the factors with which U.S. policymakers and U.S. Army planners and commanders will have to deal with respect to operations in Iraq. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
  •  From Cooperation to Competition - The Future of U.S. - Russian Relations

    From Cooperation to Competition - The Future of U.S. - Russian Relations

    From Cooperation to Competition - The Future of U.S. - Russian Relations COL Gregory K Anderson, COL Karen L Briggman, COL Joseph E Hilbert, COL Gert-Jan Kooij, Lt Col Christopher T Lay, Dr James C McNaughton War Game Report by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership, Carlisle Scholars Program, Strategic Studies Institute "Russian aggression in 2014 caught U.S. policy and strategy off guard, forcing reactive measures and reevaluation of the U.S. approach toward Russia. Moscow employed nonlinear methodologies and operated just beneath traditional thresholds of conflict to take full advantage of U.S. and NATO policy and process limitations. In light of this strategic problem, the U.S. Army War College (USAWC), conducted a wargame that revealed four key considerations for future policy and strategy."
    • Published On: 5/28/2015
  •  United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Signals Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Signals Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Signals Unit Manual United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Manual by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, United Nations "This manual describes UN Military Signals Unit operations, focusing on Military Signals support to a UN Mission and its Force Headquarters. Always scalable in size, modular in function and Mission-tailored, the UN Military Signals Unit’s size and composition depend on the size, composition and requirements of the UN Mission it supports and the physical characteristics of the Mission area. These requirements are specified in the Statement of Unit Requirement, an example of which is provided at Annex A, produced by the Office of the Military Adviser, DPKO."
    • Published On: 5/27/2015
  •  The Gulf Moment: Arab Relations Since 2011

    The Gulf Moment: Arab Relations Since 2011

    The Gulf Moment: Arab Relations Since 2011 Dr Florence Gaub Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Within only 4 years, the “Arab Spring” has turned into a regional power play. The regional landscape has shifted not only once or twice but three times in a very short time frame. The first shock to the regional system, which occurred in 2011, removed four decade-old regimes; the second brought Islamism as a political force to the forefront in first Tunisia and later Egypt and Libya; and the third saw the return of revisionist forces following the removal of Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi from power, the power-sharing agreement in Tunisia, and the persistence of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. With every wave of change at the domestic level, the regional implications of the Arab Spring became more and more pronounced, and, by 2014, visible in military and diplomatic terms."
    • Published On: 5/1/2015
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