Recent Articles

  •  The State-Society/Citizen Relationship in Security Analysis: Implications for Planning and Implementation of U.S. Intervention and Peace/State-building Operations

    The State-Society/Citizen Relationship in Security Analysis: Implications for Planning and Implementation of U.S. Intervention and Peace/State-building Operations

    The State-Society/Citizen Relationship in Security Analysis: Implications for Planning and Implementation of U.S. Intervention and Peace/State-building Operations Dr Yannis A Stivachtis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In this monograph, Dr. Yannis A. Stivachtis, an international security analyst who currently serves as Associate Professor of International and Strategic Studies at Virginia Tech, argues that due to the presence of several “weak” states in the international system, the United States needs to devise and employ strategies aimed at preventing and managing the outbreak of domestic conflicts that have the potential of undermining regional and international peace and stability. He notes that states differ from one another in many ways and therefore their national security question is context dependent. As a result, U.S. strategists should be fully aware of what constitutes a security issue for social groups and individuals in third countries. Thus, U.S. strategic planning and actions should be based on the adoption of the broaden definition of security as well as the idea of human security. Since international stability is based on the stability of states, the United States needs to assist the creation and maintenance of “strong” states. "
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Reconnaissance Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Reconnaissance Unit Manual

    United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Military Reconnaissance Unit Manual United Nations Peacekeeping Missions Manual by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, United Nations "This first edition of the United Nations (UN) Reconnaissance Unit Manual provides field commanders and their staff a guide for planning and conducting UN Reconnaissance Unit operations in support of UN peacekeeping Missions. Field Missions and UN Headquarters planners will also benefit from a common understanding of the employment, capabilities, tasks and organization of UN Reconnaissance Units as they develop the Statement of Unit Requirement (SUR) that is the basis for generating and deploying UN military units (see the sample of a previously-issued SUR at Annex A)."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Thucydides Was Right: Defining the Future Threat

    Thucydides Was Right: Defining the Future Threat

    Thucydides Was Right: Defining the Future Threat Dr Colin S Gray Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph examines the challenge in future threat definition. In order to do so, it is necessary to understand where identification of threat originates, and how and why such identification is made in the context of international political relations. This analysis makes fairly heavy use of the ideas in Thucydides’ great History of the Peloponnesian War. Effort is expended here to explain why a work written in Greece, in the late-5th century B.C., has high value for us today as a vital aid to understanding of our own current, and indeed future, security context."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Confidence Building in Cyberspace: A Comparison of Territorial and Weapons-Based Regimes

    Confidence Building in Cyberspace: A Comparison of Territorial and Weapons-Based Regimes

    Confidence Building in Cyberspace: A Comparison of Territorial and Weapons-Based Regimes Dr Mary Manjikian Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph examines two historic examples of the development of confidence-building measures (CBMs) so as to make recommendations regarding the development of CBMs for cyberspace. The first study looks at CBMs aimed at preventing the escalation of conflict in contested territories such as the Indo-Pakistan border. The second study looks at the development of a chemical weapons ban following World War I and the establishment of reporting and monitoring procedures to stem the proliferation of chemical weapons. Both cases offer lessons for cyber-based CBMs: One can borrow from territorial CBMs to establish a secure environment, or one can borrow from weapons-based CBMs to shape the development of new cyber technologies and prevent their proliferation."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Another Brick in the Wall: The Israeli Experience in Missile Defense

    Another Brick in the Wall: The Israeli Experience in Missile Defense

    Another Brick in the Wall: The Israeli Experience in Missile Defense Dr Jean-Loup Samaan Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Over the last years, missile defense has resurfaced as a major feature of the strategic debate in the United States and among its close allies. In 2010, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Summit of Heads of State saw intense discussions among transatlantic partners on the strategic value of missile defense alongside the traditional deterrence means of the Alliance. But if these transatlantic debates are for the most part still speculative, for many years, one close American ally has already faced the concrete and immediate challenge of defending its territory against missiles and rockets—Israel."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Stand Up and Fight! The Creation of U.S. Security Organizations, 1942-2005

    Stand Up and Fight! The Creation of U.S. Security Organizations, 1942-2005

    Stand Up and Fight! The Creation of U.S. Security Organizations, 1942-2005 COL Ty Seidule, Dr Jacqueline E Whitt Books by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Starting a new security organization is a difficult business. Hundreds of questions come in staccato bursts; each requires a decision and each decision takes on the permanence of tradition. Tradition becomes culture and a new organization becomes the sum of those early decisions. In this collection of essays, historians, most of them military officers, try to grapple with the challenges of creating new security organizations. Our aim is to help those few men and women who start new governmental bodies charged with protecting the American people to make sound and historically informed decisions by highlighting several common themes for consideration."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Evolving Army Needs for Space-Based Support

    Evolving Army Needs for Space-Based Support

    Evolving Army Needs for Space-Based Support Mr Jeffrey L Caton Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "To support warfighters in the 21st century, Army and joint space operations must adapt to a congested, contested, and competitive international space environment. This monograph examines how the Army is postured to meet current and future space-based support needs to conduct unified land operations. It also provides recommendations regarding how to facilitate the best evolutionary path for future Army space activities to meet the changing environment for unified land operations as well as the diverse challenges of ongoing global operations, technological advances by potential adversaries, increased international competition, and domestic resource constraints."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Space-Based Solar Power: A Technical, Economic, and Operational Assessment

    Space-Based Solar Power: A Technical, Economic, and Operational Assessment

    Space-Based Solar Power: A Technical, Economic, and Operational Assessment Mr Jeffrey L Caton Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The concept of generating electrical power from solar energy using satellites and then transmitting that power to Earth is decades old and generally considered to be technically feasible. If successful, such systems could provide constant access to almost unlimited power and thus play a significant role in U.S. national and international energy security strategies. However, the practical application of this method of power generation requires economical and operational feasibility as well. This monograph examines the current progress of space-based power in these three areas: technology, economy, and operations. The scope of discussion is at the survey level of detail to provide senior policymakers, decisionmakers, military leaders, and their respective staffs an overall appreciation for the challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with space-based solar power systems."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
  •  Parsing Chinese-Russian Military Exercises

    Parsing Chinese-Russian Military Exercises

    Parsing Chinese-Russian Military Exercises Dr Richard Weitz Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "China and Russia have engaged in an increasing number of joint exercises in recent years. These drills aim to help the two countries deter, and if necessary defeat, potential threats—such as Islamist terrorists trying to destabilize Central Asian governments—while also reassuring their allies that China and Russia will protect them from such threats. Furthermore, the recurring exercises, and other joint Russia-China military activities, have a mutual reassurance function insofar as they inform Moscow and Beijing about the other’s military potential and thereby build mutual confidence."
    • Published On: 4/1/2015
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