
  •  The Turning Point for Russian Foreign Policy

    The Turning Point for Russian Foreign Policy

    The Turning Point for Russian Foreign Policy Mr Keir Giles Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper examines the background to Russia’s use of military force in Ukraine in 2014 and Syria in 2015, and investigates the roots of Russia’s new assertiveness and willingness to resort to direct military action to resolve foreign policy challenges. This Letort Paper identifies two long-standing trends that led to this increased willingness: first, a greater and more urgent perception of threat, whether real or imagined, to Russia’s own security; and second, a recognition that Russia itself had regained sufficient strength, military and otherwise, to assert itself and counter this threat."
    • Published On: 5/25/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Caribbean Security Issues

    Strategic Insights: Caribbean Security Issues

    Strategic Insights: Caribbean Security Issues R. Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Outside of military, law enforcement, and some academic circles, security issues are rarely part of the discourse about the Caribbean. Yet, during the Cold War, the region’s contiguity with the United States made its largest island, Cuba, the focal point of the world’s closest publicly known approximation to nuclear war. Today, the Caribbean is at peace and continues to be a strategically important region to the United States and its geopolitical rivals, transnational criminal organizations, and those who live there. Currently, the security environment of the Caribbean is subject to multiple interacting stresses, influences, and potentially transformative events posing significant consequences for the United States and the region."
    • Published On: 5/16/2017
  •  Social Media—The Vital Ground: Can We Hold It?

    Social Media—The Vital Ground: Can We Hold It?

    Social Media—The Vital Ground: Can We Hold It? Dr Steve Tatham, Mr. Ian Tunnicliffe Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In this timely and realistic examination of social media, two world-class British experts examine exactly, in the defense context, what social media is and what it should and should not be used for in the future..."
    • Published On: 4/21/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Strategic Questions Loom Large for President Trump in the Middle East

    Strategic Insights: Strategic Questions Loom Large for President Trump in the Middle East

    Strategic Insights: Strategic Questions Loom Large for President Trump in the Middle East LTC Anthony Abbott, Mr Kenneth Michael Absher, COL Gregory A Adams, Dr Christopher J Bolan Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 4/11/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Getting Comfortable with Conflicting Ideas

    Strategic Insights: Getting Comfortable with Conflicting Ideas

    Strategic Insights: Getting Comfortable with Conflicting Ideas Prof William G Braun III Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 4/4/2017
  •  Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda

    Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda

    Antiquities Destruction and Illicit Sales as Sources of ISIS Funding and Propaganda Dr W Andrew Terrill Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The United States is currently a leading player in the military coalition waging war against the Islamic State Organization (often called by its older name of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or ISIS) in Iraq and Syria. The purpose of this coalition was initially to rollback and degrade ISIS capabilities and then ultimately to destroy the organization. This effort has been made in coordination with the Iraqi government, regional allies, allies from outside of the region, and local anti-ISIS groups including various Kurdish organizations."
    • Published On: 4/3/2017
  •  Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment

    Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment

    Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph is a comparative assessment of the activities of the governments and companies of the Republic of India and of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Latin America and the Caribbean covering a 15-year period, from the beginning of the 21st century through 2016."
    • Published On: 3/13/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Is the European Union Really That Important to U.S. Security Interests?

    Strategic Insights: Is the European Union Really That Important to U.S. Security Interests?

    Strategic Insights: Is the European Union Really That Important to U.S. Security Interests? Dr John R Deni Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 3/9/2017
  •  China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States

    China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States

    China's Interests and Goals in the Arctic: Implications for the United States Dr Elizabeth Wishnick Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper examines the geopolitical implications of China’s growing involvement in the Arctic for U.S. interests. First, the evolution of U.S. Arctic strategy, including its political and military components, is discussed. Next, China’s interests and goals in the Arctic are addressed. A third section examines the Arctic in China’s relations with Canada, Russia, and the Nordic states. This Letort Paper then evaluates the consequences of China’s expanding Arctic presence for U.S. security interests and concludes with policy recommendations."
    • Published On: 3/7/2017
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