Still Soldiers and Scholars? An Analysis of Army Officer Testing
Dr Steven J. Condly, Dr Arthur T Coumbe, LTC William L Skimmyhorn
Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
"This book focuses on one critical, yet neglected, aspect of the talent-based officer management system that performs four functions: accessing, developing, retaining, and employing talent. The book focuses on the cognitive testing and evaluation of officer aspirants, a critical element in the accession function. The book opens with an introduction in the first chapter, explaining the contemporary significance of the cognitive capability (and hence testing) of officers. Next, eight historical chapters are presented, which describe how the Army conducted cognitive testing for officers over time. The final chapter offers a conclusion in which the authors review their findings, highlight important conclusions, and offer recommendations for the Army to restore a system of rigorous and effective mental screening for officers."