

  •  Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda

    Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda

    Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda Dr Mason Richey Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press After contextualizing North Korea’s capacity for belligerent rhetoric directed toward the United States and its north-east Asian allies, the author examines the contention that rhetoric from Pyongyang represents a conflict escalation risk or even a casus belli. The results of statistical tests indicate a negative correlation between Pyongyang’s rhetoric and international diplomatic initiatives, but no correlation between North Korea’s verbal hostility and its provocations.
    • Published On: 1/1/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform

    Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform

    Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform COL Heidi A Urben Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/9/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean Dr R Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/9/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: An EU Military Headquarters: A Cure in Search of an Illness?

    Strategic Insights: An EU Military Headquarters: A Cure in Search of an Illness?

    Strategic Insights: An EU Military Headquarters: A Cure in Search of an Illness? Dr John R Deni Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 11/14/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Bridging the Civil-Military Gap

    Strategic Insights: Bridging the Civil-Military Gap

    Strategic Insights: Bridging the Civil-Military Gap Dr Tami Davis Biddle Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 11/10/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems

    Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems

    Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems Dr David Lai Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 10/25/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems

    Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems

    Strategic Insights: The "U.S. Factor" in China's Problems David Lai Article by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "There is a widely-shared view in China that the United States has ill will toward China and is always looking for opportunities to make trouble for China. The Chinese believe that this was the case when China was a poor developing nation; and they particularly believe it to be the case today as China is rapidly becoming a great power. The Chinese claim that U.S. influence on every aspect of Chinese foreign and domestic relations is so ubiquitous that they have a name for it: 'U.S. factor/shadow/specter' "
    • Published On: 10/25/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Cyber (In)Security, the Americas, and U.S. National Security

    Strategic Insights: Cyber (In)Security, the Americas, and U.S. National Security

    Dr. Jose de Arimateia da Cruz Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press According to the Organization of American States (OAS) in its report on “Latin American and Caribbean Cyber Security Trends” released in June 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean have the fastest growing Internet population in the world with 147 million users in 2013 and growing each year. While having more users and more network connections are great advancements for traditional developing nations, they also represent a potential threat. Audrey Kurth Cronin points out that “insurgents and terrorist groups have effectively used the Internet to support their operations for at least a decade. The tools of the global information age have helped them with administrative tasks, coordination of operations, recruitment of potential members, and communications among adherents.” While much of the discussion regarding potential enemy attacks on U.S. cyber critical infrastructure mainly focuses on China, Russia, and Iran, the Americas have been largely ignored in the literature. Why are the Americas important? Why should we be discussing its place within the U.S. national security strategic goals?
    • Published On: 9/12/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: The Post-Conflict and the Transformation of Colombia’s Armed Forces

    Strategic Insights: The Post-Conflict and the Transformation of Colombia’s Armed Forces

    Strategic Insights: The Post-Conflict and the Transformation of Colombia’s Armed Forces Dr R Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 8/17/2016
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