Strategic Issues

  •  AY17 Theater Strategy and Campaigning Course Directive

    AY17 Theater Strategy and Campaigning Course Directive

    AY17 Theater Strategy and Campaigning Course Directive COL Douglas W Bennett, Dr Richard A Lacquement Jr Course Directive by the US Army War College "Theater Strategy and Campaigning focuses on the study of strategic and operational art to employ the military instrument of national power in pursuit of achieving national goals. This course explores and evaluates U.S. military ways and means to connect operational efforts to strategic ends (policy aims) through the understanding, analysis, synthesis and application of doctrine, organizations, and concepts, translated into theater strategies and campaign plans to conduct joint, unified, and multinational operations. TSC also maintains complementary links with the Regional Studies Program (RSP) to emphasize contemporary application of U.S. operational doctrine in relation to U.S. national security interests in specific regions."
    • Published On: 11/21/2016
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4 LTC Steve Cunningham, Dr. Greg Cantwell, Mr. Chip Cleckner, Professor Ben Leitzel, Colonel Matthew Shatzkin, Colonel Kennon Gilliam, Colonel William D. Jones III, LTC Efrain Fernandezanaya Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 11/11/2016
  •  AY17 National Security Policy and Strategy Course Directive

    AY17 National Security Policy and Strategy Course Directive

    AY17 National Security Policy and Strategy Course Directive COL Robert E Hamilton, Dr Richard A Lacquement Jr Course Directive by the US Army War College "The National Security Policy and Strategy (NSPS) course focuses on national security policies and the strategies that put them into operation. It examines the elements that underpin national security policy and strategy, including the international and domestic environments, the American political system, national security policy and strategy formulation, the instruments of national power, and the processes employed by the United States Government for integrating and synchronizing those instruments to formulate national security policies and strategies in the pursuit of national security objectives..."
    • Published On: 10/21/2016
  •  AY 17 Strategic Leadership Course Directive

    AY 17 Strategic Leadership Course Directive

    AY 17 Strategic Leadership Course Directive Dr Richard A Lacquement Jr, Dr George J Woods III Course Directive by the US Army War College "The Strategic Leadership course of the U.S. Army War College (USAWC) resident core curriculum is designed to introduce you to the concepts to effectively leadwithin the national security environment through an examination of responsible command, leadership, and management practices. Although generally applicable to the broader national security environment, it focuses on the integration of the military instrument of national power with emphasis on challenges faced in the development, sustainment, and application of Landpower."
    • Published On: 9/22/2016
  •  AY17 Theory of War and Strategy Course Directive

    AY17 Theory of War and Strategy Course Directive

    AY17 Theory of War and Strategy Course Directive Dr William T Johnsen, Dr Richard A Lacquement Jr Course Directive by the US Army War College "This course, which is the bedrock of the U.S. Army War College curriculum, introduces students to the theory of war and strategy. Theory, defined as a body of ideas and principles, provides a basis for the study of a particular subject and offers a framework within which professional discussions can occur. Theory generates and defines the common language that facilitates communication. It provides ways to think about issues. Theory also may provide advice on solving problems..."
    • Published On: 8/24/2016
  •  AY17 Introduction to Strategic Studies and Global Security Symposium

    AY17 Introduction to Strategic Studies and Global Security Symposium

    AY17 Introduction to Strategic Studies Course and Global Security Symposium Dr Richard A Lacqument Jr, Cdr Michelle Daigle Winegardner Course Directive by the US Army War College
    • Published On: 8/12/2016
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2 Professor Bert B. Tussing, Gregg Cantwell, Ph.D., Andrew Lippert, Colonel Jerry Hall, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Chretien, Major Jason Warren, Colonel Christopher Wendland Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 6/6/2016
  •  The USAWC Strategy Model in Moldova: Developing the Master's Course (Level II PME) for Military and Civilian Professionals

    The USAWC Strategy Model in Moldova: Developing the Master's Course (Level II PME) for Military and Civilian Professionals

    The USAWC Strategy Model in Moldova: Developing the Master's Course (Level II PME) for Military and Civilian Professionals COL Florian Circiumaru, Colonel Mark V Montesclaros Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Beginning in 2009, a multinational team of NATO professional military education (PME) experts began providing assistance to the Republic of Moldova’s Armed Forces at the Moldovan Military Institute (later Academy [MMA]) in Chisinau. The team’s broad purpose was to help the Moldovan military adjust from a Soviet-style military educational system to one that more closely mirrored NATO and Western standards. While constitutionally a neutral country, Moldova is a Partnership for Peace (PfP) Consortium member and participant in the Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP). As part of the DEEP process, the NATO team, co-led by Colonel (Ret.) John F. Troxell of the USAWC’s Strategic Research Department, was initially charged with two major efforts."
    • Published On: 5/1/2016
  •  Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2

    Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2

    Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2 Mr Samuel R White Jr Compilation of Student Papers by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College Press "This compendium represents 23 students’ peek into the Army of 2025+. Some ideas and recommendations are specific and affect narrow slices of the Army; others are broad and span multiple services or components. Some are tactical; others strategic. Some very aspirational; others very practical. Regardless, they are the thoughts of strategic thinkers who have embraced their responsibility to help posture the enterprise for the future by thinking and writing about tough issues. The enterprise is better for their effort."
    • Published On: 12/12/2015
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