Strategic Issues

  •  Collins Center Update Volume 15 Issue 4 (Summer 13)

    Collins Center Update Volume 15 Issue 4 (Summer 13)

    Collins Center Update Volume 15 Issue 4 (Summer 13) Colonel (Ret.) Al Bourque, Professor B.F. Griffard, Lieutenant Colonel Rob Purvis, Colonel Tom Keegan, Major Jim Dougherty, Mr. Ritchie L. Dion Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 8/8/2013
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 15, Issue 3 (Spring 2013)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 15, Issue 3 (Spring 2013)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 15, Issue 3 (Spring 2013) Colonel John Mauk, Mr. Chip Cleckner, Prof. B.F. Griffard, Prof. Bert B. Tussing, LTC Chris Rogers Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 7/7/2013
  •  In Support of the Common Defense Journal, Volume 2

    In Support of the Common Defense Journal, Volume 2

    In Support of the Common Defense Journal, Volume 2 Professor Bert B. Tussing, Dr. Brian Nussbaum, Colonel Thomas Keegan, Colonel Karl Bopp, Ritchie Dion Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "One of the enduring missions of the Department of Defense, and the United States Army, has been to defend the United States homeland from foreign aggression and those threats that might endanger its sovereignty, its infrastructure, or its citizens. From the American Revolution to “Superstorm Sandy,” the United States Army has played a key role is safeguarding not just American interests around the world, but the American people at home..."
    • Published On: 6/6/2013
  •  Collins Center Update Volume 15, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update Volume 15, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update Volume 15, Issues 1 & 2 COL (Ret.) Al Borque, LTC Mike Shekleton, Dr. Mike Matheny, and Prof. Steve Kidder, COL John Mauk, Dr. Richard L. Winslow, Colonel Scott A. Forsythe, Lieutenant Colonel Rob Purvis, Professors Bernard F. Griffard, Bert B. Tussing, Professor Jim Kievit, Ritchie L. Dion Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 5/31/2013
  •  Downsizing the Army Profession

    Downsizing the Army Profession

    Downsizing the Army Profession Leonard Wong Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "John Carpenter, film director of horror movies such as Halloween, was once asked what he thought it was that scared theater audiences the most. His answer was simple: “Uncertainty.” Carpenter understood that not knowing what will happen next often produces more anxiety and angst than actual traumatic events. As anyone who has sat on the edge of their chair during thrillers such as Psycho or Jaws understands, it’s the apprehension and dread resulting from uncertainty that exacts the most psychological toll from viewers."
    • Published On: 5/8/2013
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Fall 2012)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Fall 2012)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Fall 2012) Professor Alan G. Bourque, Professor Jim Shufelt, Colonel Barry Di Ruzza, Colonel Jim Markley, Dr. Kent H. Butts, Professor Bernard F. Griffard, Professor Bert B. Tussing, Colonel Sam White, Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 11/14/2012
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 3 (Summer 2012)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 3 (Summer 2012)

    Collins Center Update, Volume 14, Issue 3 (Summer 2012) Professor Bert B. Tussing, LTC Vince Lindemeyer, Professor Jeffrey Caton, Mr. Ben Leitzel, Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 7/23/2012
  •  Cyber Ricochet: Risk Management and Cyberspace Operations

    Cyber Ricochet: Risk Management and Cyberspace Operations

    Cyber Ricochet: Risk Management and Cyberspace Operations Mr Benjamin C Leitzel Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Recent media reports of the ‘Duqu’, ‘Flame’, and ‘Stuxnet’ malware highlight cyberspace operations capabilities as well as emphasize the vulnerabilities of computer networks and systems. Many computer security vulnerabilities go undetected for years and once discovered vendors can take months to correct the defects. Even after vendors release ‘patches’ to correct the problem, most users fail to update their systems immediately and completely. The result is a cyberspace environment plagued with undefended systems where seams and gaps are exposed to even the most novice cyber threat actor."
    • Published On: 7/23/2012
  •  AFRICOM's Role in Water Security

    AFRICOM's Role in Water Security

    AFRICOM's Role in Water Security Christopher M Best Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Few substances on Earth are as important to human survival as water. Access to clean fresh water facilitates the growth of industry, agriculture, and human population centers. Providing developing countries the resources and knowledge to access quality water sources can serve as a powerful tool for enhancing regional stability and fostering the credibility of the United States around the world. How issues within and between nations regarding how future demands for water are addressed will require the coordinated effort of various United States Government (USG) agencies moving towards common goals. This paper will focus on AFRICOM’s role in preserving U.S. interests in Africa by fostering water security. It will start with a discussion of major water challenges facing Africa in the near future, discuss the relationship between water security and U.S. national security interests, and conclude with AFRICOM’s role in water security."
    • Published On: 6/29/2012
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