Strategic Issues

  •  Army Professional Expertise and Jurisdictions

    Army Professional Expertise and Jurisdictions

    Army Professional Expertise and Jurisdictions COL Richard A Lacquement Jr Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Changes in the international security environment and in technology challenge leaders to defi ne the Army’s role for the future. Effective strategic leadership of the Army profession will be an essential component of successful transformation. To serve American society effectively, strategic leaders of the profession must define, prioritize, and limit the expert knowledge of the profession, clarify the jurisdictions within which this knowledge applies, and then develop professionals to apply this knowledge."
    • Published On: 10/1/2003
  •  The U.S. Army's Initial Impressions of Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle

    The U.S. Army's Initial Impressions of Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle

    The U.S. Army's Initial Impressions of Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle Dr Conrad C Crane Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "From 26 to 29 August 2002, the Army assembled representatives from its worldwide commands at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania to assess Army operations to date in the global war on terrorism. The initial impressions offered by the participants highlighted rapid and successful responses at home and in distant theaters from Afghanistan to the Philippines. They also revealed some shortcomings in current operations and insights for future operations. "
    • Published On: 9/17/2003
  •  Environmental Security Cooperation USARPAC's: Defense Environmental and International Cooperation (DEIC) Conference

    Environmental Security Cooperation USARPAC's: Defense Environmental and International Cooperation (DEIC) Conference

    Environmental Security Cooperation USARPAC's: Defense Environmental and International Cooperation (DEIC) Conference Dr Kent H Butts, Christopher Jasparro, LTC Curtis W Turner Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The U.S Counterterrorism (CT) program for Southeast Asia received important support in June when attendees at the United States Defense Environmental and International Cooperation (DEIC) Conference developed a military-based model for identifying and preventing the causes of environmental terrorism, preventing attacks on critical infrastructure, and providing consequence management and mitigation of man-made and natural disasters."
    • Published On: 9/15/2003
  •  The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 4: July - September 2003

    The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 4: July - September 2003

    The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 4: July - September 2003 Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 9/15/2003
  •  Strategic Leadership Competencies

    Strategic Leadership Competencies

    Strategic Leadership Competencies Dr Stephen J Gerras, COL William Kidd, COL Robert Pricone, COL Richard Swengros, Dr Leonard Wong Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "On December 21, 2001, the Chief of Staff of the Army tasked the U.S. Army War College to identify the strategic leader skill sets for officers required in the post-September 11th environment. The following report is the result of that tasking. Dr. Leonard Wong, assisted by four U.S. Army War College students, reviewed the strategic leadership literature, interviewed corporate leader developers, analyzed the leader development system, and gathered the views of key leader developers in the Army. They distill the essence of strategic leadership into six metacompetencies that not only describe strategic leadership, but also provide aiming points for an integrated leader development system."
    • Published On: 9/1/2003
  •  Public Safety During Combat: A Positive Lesson from Vietnam

    Public Safety During Combat: A Positive Lesson from Vietnam

    Public Safety During Combat: A Positive Lesson from Vietnam COL Frank L Miller Jr Student Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "The incredible success of General Tommy Franks’ push to Baghdad in Operation Iraqi Freedom will be studied for years as the quintessential example of modern warfare. The Combined and Joint Forces of the Allied Coalition executed a strategy designed to be everywhere at once in order to render the Iraqi defender totally unable to establish a coherent defense. Even given the limitation of only one route of ground ingress (from Kuwait), the speed and agility of the ground forces, combined with the deep ISR and targeting assets of the Air Force and Army Aviation, and the economy of force efforts of the Special Operations elements, simply overwhelmed the ability of the Iraqi Army to defend. This was intentional, but at least one unintentional result of this unprecedented speed of maneuver must be addressed in all future planning: as enemy forces or individual combatants are bypassed and allowed to mix with noncombatants, the Decisive Phase of Campaign Operations will overlap with the Post-Conflict Phase. This dynamic must be planned for with a robust public safety capability that itself can overlap in time and space with combat operations. "
    • Published On: 6/15/2003
  •  Re-Examining Tomorrow's Battlefield: Taking the Fight into the Cities

    Re-Examining Tomorrow's Battlefield: Taking the Fight into the Cities

    Re-Examining Tomorrow's Battlefield: Taking the Fight into the Cities COL Steven M Jones Student Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Americans and our allies are not the only ones glued to the television lately! One can be sure that enemies of the United States not directly engaged by the invasion of Iraq have likewise been watching intently—and learning. Now, more than ever, the U.S. military's overwhelming dominance in Iraq has guaranteed that future adversaries will pursue every conceivable asymmetric advantage to offset their conventional and technological inferiority."
    • Published On: 6/15/2003
  •  The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 3: April - June 2003

    The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 3: April - June 2003

    The Collins Center Update Vol 5, Issue 3: April - June 2003 Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 6/15/2003
  •  Planning Considerations for International Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- Part II

    Planning Considerations for International Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- Part II

    Planning Considerations for International Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- Part II Amjad Atallah, Jarat Chorpa, Yaser Dajani, Orit Gal, James S Mccallum, Prof Joel Peters Study by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "On 25-26 April 2003—the eve of the formation of a new Palestinian government and the presentation to the parties of the Quartet “Roadmap”—a group of international officials, Israelis and Palestinians convened to address operational aspects of third party intervention in the current conflict. Convened by Yezid Sayigh and Jarat Chopra, this “Experts’ Forum” was hosted in Cambridge, England, by the Programme for Security in International Society at the University of Cambridge Centre of International Studies, and sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
    • Published On: 5/14/2003
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