•  Working Smarter - Considerations for the Army Installations of the Future

    Working Smarter - Considerations for the Army Installations of the Future

    Working Smarter - Considerations for the Army Installations of the Future Samuel R. White, Jr, Peter J. Whalen Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "In support of the ASA IEE effort to understand the capabilities for the Installation of the Future (IotF), the U.S. Army War College conducted an eight-month project employing faculty and student researchers to study the possible requirements and capabilities of the IotF and its implications to the Army's Multi-Domain Operations concept by the year 2035. Given the numerous considerations for the IotF across force design categories (DOTMLPF-P), the students were challenged to focus in certain key areas that they determined. Those key areas are: Infrastructure, Services, Security, and Enabling Capabilities."
    • Published On: 6/1/2019
  •  Futures Seminar 2019 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2025 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2019 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2025 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2019 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2025 and Beyond Samuel R. White, Jr. Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "From a national security perspective, war remains fundamentally political, people-centric, and complex.16 These three aspects, along with violence and coercion, have been essential aspects of conflict since the dawn of recorded history. As we explore what the operational environment of the future will look like, modern security practitioners argue that this nature of warfare does not change; even with technological advances the role of leaders in the organizing and motivating human capital will remain the same..."
    • Published On: 5/1/2019
  •  Futures Seminar 2018 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2035 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2018 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2035 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2018 - What Kind of Army does the Nation Need in 2035 and Beyond Samuel R. White, Jr. Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership " 'What kind of Army does the nation need in 2035 and beyond?' This 5th annual compendium is the result of the Futures Seminar student requirement to write a paper addressing this question. Predicting the needs of the Army 10-15 years into the future is risky, tough business. As Colonel Richard H. Witherspoon wrote in his Forward to the original 1997 Army After Next Project Compendium, "This is a difficult task with no "Right" or "Wrong" markers." This compendium is an honest effort to look to the horizon and explore what might be possible."
    • Published On: 5/1/2018
  •  Futures Seminar 2017 - The United States Army in 2035 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2017 - The United States Army in 2035 and Beyond

    Futures Seminar 2017 - The United States Army in 2035 and Beyond Samuel R. White, Jr. Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "In 2035-2050 the battlespace will be elongated and deepened - and hyper-connected. Engagements will occur at home station military bases through ports of debarkation to tactical assembly areas all the way to the adversary's motor pool. From space to the ocean floor; from military to non-military; from governmental to non-governmental; from state to non-state; from physical to virtual. The operational area will be wherever effects are generated - and the array of stimuli that will generate effects is staggering. The interconnected and global nature of everything will produce physical and virtual effects that have tremendous range, saturation and immediacy - along with daunting complexity and stealth."
    • Published On: 12/1/2017
  •  Closer Than you Think - The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the US Army

    Closer Than you Think - The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the US Army

    Closer Than you Think - The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the US Army Samuel R. White, Jr. Report by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In support of the Army’s examination of the Third Offset, the U.S. Army War College conducted a 6-month project employing faculty and student researchers to study the potential impact of the DoD’s Third Offset Strategy on the Army. The study team examined the Third Offset Strategy from a strategic perspective. Ultimately, the study is designed to help the Army understand the influence of the Third Offset capabilities on the character of warfare and the implications of these capabilities for the Army and Landpower. This understanding may then help inform decisions in research and development, as well as leader development, training, and organizations."
    • Published On: 10/1/2017
  •  Rethinking Sovereignty in the Context of Cyberspace

    Rethinking Sovereignty in the Context of Cyberspace

    Rethinking Sovereignty in the Context of Cyberspace: The Cyber Sovereignty Workshop Series Cynthia E. Ayers "Recent successful "hacks," allegedly carried out by professionals acting on behalf of, or in concert with nation-states have heightened concerns about cyber warfare and sovereignty in the context of cyberspace. To maintain the integrity of U.S. and allied sovereign borders, it is imperative that security measures and defenses are coordinated and choreographed at the policy, strategy, and operational levels in the cyber domain, as well as in the physical world..."
    • Published On: 7/10/2017
  •  Futures Seminar 2016 - The United States Army in 2030 and Beyond (Vol. 3)

    Futures Seminar 2016 - The United States Army in 2030 and Beyond (Vol. 3)

    Futures Seminar 2016 - The United States Army in 2030 and Beyond Samuel R. White, Jr. Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Additive to the experience of the AAN Seminar students, Futures Seminar students and faculty further contribute to the Army’s understanding of the future force by substantively participating in force development experimentation, wargames and symposia. This participation is made possible by an excellent partnership with the Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC) – primarily through the Chief of Staff of the Army’s year-long study program – Unified Quest. This year, Futures Seminar students filled leadership roles during the deep future wargame, serving as either combined/joint task force commanders or as chiefs of staff."
    • Published On: 1/27/2017
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 3 & 4 LTC Steve Cunningham, Dr. Greg Cantwell, Mr. Chip Cleckner, Professor Ben Leitzel, Colonel Matthew Shatzkin, Colonel Kennon Gilliam, Colonel William D. Jones III, LTC Efrain Fernandezanaya Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 11/11/2016
  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2

    Collins Center Update, Volume 18, Issues 1 & 2 Professor Bert B. Tussing, Gregg Cantwell, Ph.D., Andrew Lippert, Colonel Jerry Hall, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Chretien, Major Jason Warren, Colonel Christopher Wendland Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 6/6/2016
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