Recent Articles

  •  Strategic Insights: Thinking About Catastrophe: The Army in a Nuclear  Armed World

    Strategic Insights: Thinking About Catastrophe: The Army in a Nuclear Armed World

    Strategic Insights: Thinking About Catastrophe: The Army in a Nuclear Armed World Dr Steven Metz Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/14/2015
  •  Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2

    Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2

    Futures Seminar 2015 - The United States Army in 2025 and Beyond, Vol. 2 Mr Samuel R White Jr Compilation of Student Papers by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College Press "This compendium represents 23 students’ peek into the Army of 2025+. Some ideas and recommendations are specific and affect narrow slices of the Army; others are broad and span multiple services or components. Some are tactical; others strategic. Some very aspirational; others very practical. Regardless, they are the thoughts of strategic thinkers who have embraced their responsibility to help posture the enterprise for the future by thinking and writing about tough issues. The enterprise is better for their effort."
    • Published On: 12/12/2015
  •  SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance: Concepts, Principles, and Applications

    SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance: Concepts, Principles, and Applications

    SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance: Concepts, Principles, and Applications Mister David A Mosinski PKSOI SOLLIMS Sampler by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Foreign Humanitarian Assistance operations often involve a broad mix of participants: USG civilian and military organizations, coalition partners, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international actors, and host nation (HN) government authorities. Accordingly, “civil-military interaction” and “unity of effort” are vital to success – key to saving lives and restoring/raising the social well-being of the HN population."
    • Published On: 12/10/2015
  •  Reforming U.S. Export Controls Reforms: Advancing U.S. Army Interests

    Reforming U.S. Export Controls Reforms: Advancing U.S. Army Interests

    Reforming U.S. Export Controls Reforms: Advancing U.S. Army Interests Dr Richard Weitz Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The Barack Obama administration has launched an Export Control Reform (ECR) program to improve the regulations and procedures for controlling the export of U.S. weapons as well as dual-use equipment and technology. Emphasizing that international economic competitiveness is a core component of national security, the administration’s stated aim is for the ECR to increase U.S. exports and jobs as well as to strengthen U.S. national security and protect U.S. military technologies. "
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict

    Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict

    Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict Dr Michael J Mazarr Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The monograph emphasizes that many gray zone tools and techniques have been employed for centuries. But the analysis rightly contends that such approaches have renewed relevance, both because some new technologies have made them more effective than ever and because several major powers are making extensive use of gray zone campaigns."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Strategy and Grand Strategy: What Students and Practitioners Need to Know

    Strategy and Grand Strategy: What Students and Practitioners Need to Know

    Strategy and Grand Strategy: What Students and Practitioners Need to Know Dr Tami Davis Biddle Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In this monograph, Dr. Tami Davis Biddle examines why it is so difficult to devise, implement, and sustain sound strategies and grand strategies. Her analysis begins with an examination of the meaning of the term “strategy” and a history of the ways that political actors have sought to employ strategies and grand strategies to achieve their desired political aims. She examines the reasons why the logic undergirding strategy is often lacking and why challenges of implementation (including bureaucratic politics, unforeseen events, civil-military tensions, and domestic pressures) complicate and undermine desired outcomes. This clear-headed critique, built on a broad base of literature (historical and modern; academic and policy-oriented), will serve as a valuable guide to students and policymakers alike as they seek to navigate their way through the unavoidable challenges—and inevitable twists and turns—inherent in the development and implementation of strategy."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Brief Survey of Developmental, Operational, Legal, and Ethical Issues

    Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Brief Survey of Developmental, Operational, Legal, and Ethical Issues

    Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Brief Survey of Developmental, Operational, Legal, and Ethical Issues Mr Jeffrey L Caton Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Stories about unmanned vehicles now appear regularly in the national news—and not always in good ways. Within the last 2 years, privately-owned drones have crashed on the White House lawn, surveilled the U.S. Embassy in Paris, and buzzed German Chancellor Angela Merkel. When used in military operations, autonomous weapon systems (AWS) have the potential to save lives as well as apply lethal force across land, sea, and air."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future

    Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future

    Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future Mr Henry D Sokolski Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The book provides a good picture of the growing stockpiles of separated plutonium and the stockpiles of highly enriched uranium, as well as the likely expansion of nuclear power programs in additional countries."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Enabling Others to Win in a Complex World: Maximizing Security Force Assistance Potential in the Regionally Aligned Brigade Combat Team

    Enabling Others to Win in a Complex World: Maximizing Security Force Assistance Potential in the Regionally Aligned Brigade Combat Team

    Enabling Others to Win in a Complex World: Maximizing Security Force Assistance Potential in the Regionally Aligned Brigade Combat Team CPT (P) Liam P Walsh Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In 2013, the Army began to examine a new way of conducting business in the area of conflict prevention, looking to “engage regionally and respond globally.” The tool chosen for this strategy is the regionally aligned forces (RAF) concept, which aligns various units with the geographic combatant commands. One potential mission for regionally aligned forces that has the possibility of yielding substantial dividends is security force assistance. By aligning units regionally, particularly the brigade combat team, the Army could greatly increase its ability to conduct security force assistance through building enduring relationships with partner militaries and in gaining genuine regional expertise in potential areas of conflict."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
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