

  •  Land Warfare in the 21st Century

    Land Warfare in the 21st Century

    Land Warfare in the 21st Century COL James M Dubik, Gen Gordon R Sullivan Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Land warfare in the 21st century will be shaped by the cumulative effects of many revolutionary changes that have yet to merge in a clear or predictable pattern. This paper identifies three elements of change that are likely to have the greatest impact on the Army and the joint conduct of land warfare."
    • Published On: 2/1/1993
  •  Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge?

    Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge?

    Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge? Dr George H Quester Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Nuclear proliferation, a security issue which has transcended the cold war, has been, and is, particularly troublesome in South Asia. There, India and Pakistan, neighbors with unresolved disputes since they were granted independence at the end of World War II, are believed to have nuclear weapons (although the leaders of both nations deny it) and are intermittently engaged in conflict with each other."
    • Published On: 11/25/1992
  •  Sufism in Northern Nigeria: A Force for Counter-Radicalization?

    Sufism in Northern Nigeria: A Force for Counter-Radicalization?

    Sufism in Northern Nigeria: A Force for Counter-Radicalization? Dr Jonathan N C Hill Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "In light of the ongoing threats issued by Al Qaeda against the United States and its allies, the need to prevent the radicalization of young Muslim men and women remains as pressing as ever. Perhaps nowhere is this task more urgent than in the countries of West Africa. The global expanse of the ongoing war on terror places these territories in the frontline. With large Muslim populations that have hitherto remained mostly impervious to the advances of Islamism, the challenge now confronting the Nigerian government and the international community is ensuring that this remains the case. But in recent years, Islamist groups have been highly active in the region. The aim of this monograph is to assess the potential of Nigeria’s Sufi Brotherhoods to act, both individually and collectively, as a force for counter-radicalization, to prevent young people from joining Islamist groups."
    •  Guide to Rebuilding Public Sector Services in Stability Operations: A Role for the Military

      Guide to Rebuilding Public Sector Services in Stability Operations: A Role for the Military

      Guide to Rebuilding Public Sector Services in Stability Operations: A Role for the Military Mr Derick W Brinkerhoff, Mr Richard Hill, Mr Ronald W Johnson, Prof Susan Merrill Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This paper provides guidance helpful to U.S. peacekeeping personnel in planning and executing stability operations tasks related to restoration of public sector services and infrastructure. It is designed to supplement existing and emerging guidance, and is specifically relevant to addressing the needs of public sector rebuilding in a post-conflict situation by peacekeeping forces. The material presented here draws both from theory and analytic frameworks and from on-the-ground experience of practitioners."
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