Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Envrionment

Formerly the Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL)

  •  2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    Strategic Research and Analysis Department Publication by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press The United States faces a complex and ever-changing global environment. The 2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment is designed to guide the collective defense community to research and write about critical national security challenges to help the Army prepare for a wide range of potential conflicts and threats.
    • Published On: 7/24/2024
  •  Strategic Research Topics: A Compendium to the 2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    Strategic Research Topics: A Compendium to the 2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    Publication by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press This list of strategic issues offers insight into the particularized matters impacting defense organizations. Senior leaders across the highest echelons of Army and Department of Defense organizations provided input. This list and the narrative found in SSI’s 2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment will help focus the research community on topics important to the Army.
    • Published On: 7/24/2024
  •  2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment Publication by the US Army War College, US Army War college Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment serves as a guide for academics and practitioners in the defense community on the current challenges and opportunities in the strategic environment. This year’s publication outlines key strategic issues across the four broad themes of Regional Challenges and Opportunities, Domestic Challenges, Institutional Challenges, and Domains Impacting US Strategic Advantage. These themes represent a wide range of topics affecting national security and provide a global assessment of the strategic environment to help focus the defense community on research and publication..."
    • Published On: 8/24/2023
  •  2022 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    2022 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment

    2022 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment Publication by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, Strategic Research and Analysis Department "Today’s warfighter, leader, and policymaker advance American interests while confronting a strategic environment that is dynamic and increasingly competitive. The 2021 Interim National Security Strategic Guidance depicts the global security landscape as one characterized by new crises and accelerating challenges, many of which find their locus in governments or events far from our shores. Our nation continues to contend with adversarial state actors as well as familiar hazards inspired by terrorism and extremism. Yet we are also witnessing new challenges such as ramifications of climate change, threats engendered by scientific and technological innovation, intensified efforts to aggressively reframe or undermine the international order, and pursuits to expand the availability, reach, and potency of catastrophic weapons."
    • Published On: 8/1/2022
  •  Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) 2021–2022

    Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) 2021–2022

    Key Strategic Issues List (KSIL) 2021–2022 COL Steve Cunningham KSIL Document by US Army War College, USAWC Strategic Studies Institute, School of Strategic Land power, US Army War College Press "The 2018 National Defense Strategy sounded a clear call for the Nation’s armed services to prepare for an increasingly intense and, at times, chaotic period of competition with a variety of state and non-state adversaries. The Army responded to this call by accelerating its refinement of a Multi-Domain operating concept as highlighted in a revised Army Vision, Strategy, Campaign Plan, Modernization Strategy, and other key documents published throughout 2018 and 2019."
    • Published On: 7/7/2020
  •  Key Strategic Issues List 2018-2020

    Key Strategic Issues List 2018-2020

    Key Strategic Issues List 2018-2020 Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "As our National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy acknowledge, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and radical violent extremist organizations pose extant and potential challenges to U.S. national security. Those challenges exist within an extraordinarily complex global security environment characterized by dynamic changes in technology and its application, profound demographic shifts, economic redistribution and distortion, and geostrategic power realignments of historic proportions. These ever-intensifying conditions produce increasing uncertainty concerning the prospects for world peace, stability, and prosperity. Some strategists opine that the potential for great power interstate conflict is higher now than at any time since the end of the Cold War."
    • Published On: 8/14/2018
  •  2017-18 Key Strategic Issues List

    2017-18 Key Strategic Issues List

    2017-18 Key Strategic Issues List COL Todd E. Key Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Today's global security environment remains volatile, uncertain, and complex. Resurgent, revanchist, and unstable states, and radical terrorist organizations continue to challenge the international order, undermine peace and stability, and threaten U.S. interests. In the face of this, the United States Army remains America's combat force of decision. If the political leaders of the United States decide to deploy its Army, the Nation's opponents know they will be defeated. This certainty is the foundation of America's deterrent capability."
    • Published On: 11/15/2017
  •  2016-17 Key Strategic Issues List

    2016-17 Key Strategic Issues List

    2016-17 Key Strategic Issues List Professor John F. Troxell Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and radical violent extremist organizations that currently challenge the U.S will likely continue to do so for some time. These security challenges exist within a wider global context of rapid technological change, significant demographic shifts, an uncertain economy, and geostrategic power dynamics of historic proportions. These conditions intensify the level of uncertainty and the pace of change, and raise the potential for significant interstate conflict to higher levels than at any time since the end of the Cold War."
    • Published On: 7/1/2016
  •  2015-16 Key Strategic Issues List

    2015-16 Key Strategic Issues List

    2015-16 Key Strategic Issues List Professor John F. Troxell Document by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The global security environment remains volatile, uncertain and complex and the velocity of instability around the world has increased dramatically. The recently published National Military Strategy highlights the growing global disorder and increasing unpredictability. The complexity of this dynamic security environment is captured in the Army’s new operating concept, “Win in a Complex World.” The challenge that we face is clearly articulated in the Army Vision..."
    • Published On: 8/1/2015
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