Recent Articles

  •  Collins Center Update, Volume 23, Issue 1

    Collins Center Update, Volume 23, Issue 1

    Collins Center Update, Volume 23, Issue 1 Michele Devlin, Patricia Hayes, John Borek, Jessie Faller-Parrett, Mark Haseman, COL Chad Jagmin, Mr. Mark Leno Collins Center Update by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership
    • Published On: 3/1/2023
  •  Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army's Professional Expert Knowledge

    Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army's Professional Expert Knowledge

    Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army's Professional Expert Knowledge C. Anthony Pfaff, Christopher J. Lowrance, Bre M. Washburn, Brett A. Carey Integrated Research Project by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "Integrating artificially intelligent technologies for military purposes poses a special challenge. In previous arms races, such as the race to atomic bomb technology during World War II, expertise resided within the Department of Defense. But in the artificial intelligence (AI) arms race, expertise dwells mostly within industry and academia. Also, unlike the development of the bomb, effective employment of AI technology cannot be relegated to a few specialists; almost everyone will have to develop some level of AI and data literacy..."
    • Published On: 2/8/2023
  •  PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022

    PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022

    PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022 George R. Shatzer, Roger D. Cliff Conference Papers by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The US Army War College People’s Liberation Army Conference (PLA) Conference was held March 31 to April 2, 2022, at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. The conference focused on PLA logistics and sustainment. As the PLA continues to build and modernize its combat forces, it is important to examine if the capabilities meant to support combat operations are also being developed."
    • Published On: 2/3/2023
  •  Strength and Wisdom in Space

    Strength and Wisdom in Space

    Strength and Wisdom in Space COL Benjamin Ogden Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Since its establishment in 1901, the US Army War College (USAWC) has addressed some of the most complex and pressing national security problems facing the United States. From analyzing the lessons of the Spanish-American War to studying emerging concepts from the World Wars, preparing students for the Cold War, and transforming senior military officers into strategic thinkers, the civilian and soldier scholars at the US Army War College have been uniquely adept at examining the changing character of warfare. In light of this rich legacy of study, the college’s motto of “Strength and Wisdom” perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the institution and its faculty. Today, the character of war includes resurgent peer competition across various national interests; thus, the US Army War College must redirect its focus toward shaping a strategic environment that cuts across different domains."
    • Published On: 1/1/2023
  •  How Will the Structure of Military Organizations Evolve as Artificial Intelligence Becomes More Sophisticated?

    How Will the Structure of Military Organizations Evolve as Artificial Intelligence Becomes More Sophisticated?

    How Will the Structure of Military Organizations Evolve as Artificial Intelligence Becomes More Sophisticated? Professor Kristan Wheaton Issue Paper by the US Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership "Deploying AI on the battlefield will force militaries to reimagine how they organize and operate. The Industrial Age principles of structure, authority, and control heavily influence modern military units. In the Industrial Age, factories needed managers to coordinate production and workers to perform individual tasks. But in the fast-paced, dynamic world of twenty-first-century warfare, commanders need soldiers who can think on their feet, team with machines, and adapt their tactics accordingly. A study by Deloitte found AI has the potential to reshape every business process within an enterprise. As a result of this transformation, AI will probably also have a transformative impact on the military."
    • Published On: 1/1/2023
  •  What Ukraine Taught NATO About Hybrid Warfare

    What Ukraine Taught NATO About Hybrid Warfare

    What Ukraine Taught NATO About Hybrid Warfare Sarah J. Lohmann Collaborative Study by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 forced the United States and its NATO partners to be confronted with the impact of hybrid warfare far beyond the battlefield. Targeting Europe’s energy security, Russia’s malign influence campaigns and malicious cyber intrusions are affecting global gas prices, driving up food costs, disrupting supply chains and grids, and testing US and Allied military mobility. This study examines how hybrid warfare is being used by NATO’s adversaries, what vulnerabilities in energy security exist across the Alliance, and what mitigation strategies are available to the member states."
    • Published On: 11/16/2022
  •  Enabling NATO's Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency (NATO COE-DAT Handbook 1)

    Enabling NATO's Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency (NATO COE-DAT Handbook 1)

    Enabling NATO's Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency (NATO COE-DAT Handbook 1) Carol V. Evans Handbook by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "In 2014 NATO’s Centre of Excellence-Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT) launched the inaugural course on “Critical Infrastructure Protection Against Terrorist Attacks.” As this course garnered increased attendance and interest, the core lecturer team felt the need to update the course in critical infrastructure (CI) taking into account the shift from an emphasis on “protection” of CI assets to “security and resiliency.” What was lacking in the fields of academe, emergency management, and the industry practitioner community was a handbook that leveraged the collective subject matter expertise of the core lecturer team, a handbook that could serve to educate government leaders, state and private-sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, academicians, and policymakers in NATO and partner countries..."
    • Published On: 11/15/2022
  •  Strategic Cyberspace Operations Guide

    Strategic Cyberspace Operations Guide

    Strategic Cyberspace Operations Guide Benjamin C. Leitzel, Gregory D. Hillebrand "The U.S. Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership, recently updated its Strategic Cyberspace Operations Guide. This publication provides a guide for U.S. Army War College students to understand cyberspace strategy, policy, and law as well as design, planning, and execution of cyberspace operations. It combines existing U.S. Government Unclassified and "Releasable to the Public" documents into a single, convenient guide..."
    • Published On: 9/28/2022
  •  The Future of the Joint Warfighting Headquarters: An Alternative Approach to the Joint Task Force

    The Future of the Joint Warfighting Headquarters: An Alternative Approach to the Joint Task Force

    The Future of the Joint Warfighting Headquarters: An Alternative Approach to the Joint Task Force Eric Bissonette, Thomas Bruscino, Kelvin Mote, Matthew Powell, Marc Sanborn, James Watts, Louis G. Yuengert Collaborative Study by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The US military must create standing, numbered, and regionally aligned Joint warfighting headquarters— American Expeditionary Forces (AEFs)—around a command council and a staff organized into Joint centers and cells. Calls for standing Joint force headquarters are not new, but the demonstrated military effectiveness of the Joint Task Force (JTF) model coupled with increasing service-specific resource requirements and tightening fiscal constraints have resulted in little evolution in joint force headquarters construction since the end of World War II."
    • Published On: 8/17/2022
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