Recent Articles

  •  Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations Against the United States: A Playbook for the Current Crisis in Ukraine

    Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations Against the United States: A Playbook for the Current Crisis in Ukraine

    Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations Against the United States: A Playbook for the Current Crisis in Ukraine Conrad C. Crane Information Paper by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The recent accusations from Russia about American preparedness to launch biological warfare from Ukraine have an historical precedent from the Korean War, and can provide some insights about the intent of the allegations. Intense negotiations to end the Korean War began in mid 1951 as the front stalemated. With major ground offensives no longer an option, each side developed a different approach to coerce desired political outcomes at the peace table. The main sticking point became repatriation of prisoners of war. For UN forces, their primary coercive tool became American airpower, in an extensive bombing campaign that eventually laid waste to most of North Korea."
    • Published On: 3/11/2022
  •  Framing the Future of the US Military Profession

    Framing the Future of the US Military Profession

    Framing the Future of the US Military Profession Richard A. Lacquement Jr., Thomas P. Galvin Monograph by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The military profession needs to be redefined by examination of its expertise and jurisdictions of practice, whereas previously the focus was on securing its professional identity. Twenty years ago, the original Future of the Army Profession research project responded to growing concerns among officers that the Army was no longer a profession in light of the post–Cold War drawdown and the onset of global operations including Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, the profession faces recurrent challenges raised by the changing character of war, the renewal of great-power competition, crises surrounding issues of sexual harassment and assault, the effects of a major global pandemic and associated social and political unrest, and the growing societal distrust toward professions in general..."
    • Published On: 1/13/2022
  •  Transitional Public Security: Establishing Security in the “Golden Hour”

    Transitional Public Security: Establishing Security in the “Golden Hour”

    Transitional Public Security: Establishing Security in the “Golden Hour” Dr. Karen Finkenbinder PKSOI Paper by US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "TPS is necessary to ensure that communities in post-conflict environments, or when law and order has broken down, are stabilized; thus, preventing bad actors from flourishing. It may well be that Department of Defense (DoD) is tasked to conduct TPS in accordance with DoD policy. A lot of work has been done to ensure that DoD is prepared to implement the policy and much more needs to be done. This is the story of where we are now and how we got there."
    • Published On: 10/25/2021
  •  The People of the PLA 2.0

    The People of the PLA 2.0

    The People of the PLA 2.0 Roy D. Kamphausen Conference Report by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The 27th annual People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Conference—“The People in the PLA” 2.0—revisited a theme first explored at the 2006 conference but understudied since. This volume examines how the structure, education, training, and recruitment of PLA personnel have changed in the last decade and in the Xi Jinping era."
    • Published On: 7/23/2021
  •  Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs for Military Practitioners

    Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs for Military Practitioners

    Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs for Military Practitioners Dr. Raymond A. Millen PKSOI Paper by US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs for Military Practitioners serves as a guide for organizing, planning, preparing, and executing activities in support of such operations. As the book underscores, the military’s supporting role is not passive; instead, it practices active engagement by incorporating the experience and expertise of DDR partners. Achieving a sense of teamwork among diverse organizational cultures requires creative thinking. While recognizing that DDR is essentially a civilian-led venture, the military can furnish key enablers that enhance performance and effectiveness. PKSOI regards this book as a valuable reference for military and civilian organizations coming together to implement meaningful DDR."
    • Published On: 7/1/2021
  •  Human Security in U.S. Military Operations: A Primer for DOD

    Human Security in U.S. Military Operations: A Primer for DOD

    Human Security in U.S. Military Operations: A Primer for DOD Sarah Petrin PKSOI Paper by US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "The U.S. Army has always worked among people in areas of conflict. In recent times, the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are wrestling with what human security means, how military operations impact it, and what can be done to mitigate the harm. This primer is published to inform those within DOD working in this area, whether commanders, planners or curious soldiers and civilians. If we have learned nothing else in the past 20 years of war and its aftermath, it should be that the human domain is complex. If we fail to get our efforts right in these areas, we may well have tactical successes and strategic failure."
    • Published On: 6/16/2021
  •  Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book

    Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book

    Communication Campaigning: Experiential Activity Book Dr Thomas P. Galvin Activity book from the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "The purpose of this Activity Book is to provide a series of experiential exercises that allow readers to construct communication campaigns as described in the monograph Communication Campaigning: Primer for Senior Leaders. This workbook is to be considered a living document that will be continuously updated, and therefore there may be differences between the activities herein and their presentation in the companion monograph..."
    • Published On: 3/30/2021
  •  Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry

    Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry

    Veteran Disability Compensation and the Army Profession: Good Intentions Gone Awry Dr Wong Leonard, Dr Gerras Stephen Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "For 40 years, from 1960 to 1999, about 8 percent of the veteran population received disability compensation. In 2000 the percentage edged up to 9 percent or 2.3 million veterans. By 2018 the percentage had tripled to 24 percent or 4.7 million veterans. Although many researchers attribute this upward trend to the influx of wounded from the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, the authors show that favorable legislative action, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) policy changes, societal developments, and improved information flow enabled and encouraged many more veterans to file for disability. The rise in the number of veterans receiving disability compensation signaled a cultural transformation concerning disability compensation that would eventually spread throughout the US Army and the other services."
    • Published On: 1/29/2021
  •  Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders

    Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders

    Responsible Command: Primer for Senior Leaders Dr Conrad C Crane, Dr Thomas P. Galvin, Paul Mikolashek Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, School of Strategic Landpower, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute "When I was a Captain, I was called into the Brigade Commander’s office to talk about taking over a company. I remember a few things about that meeting, but one thing he said has stuck with me ever since. As he was talking, he paused a bit and said, “this command business…it’s a tough thing.” He did not have to elaborate further. With the assumption of command comes with it a daunting responsibility. This is true today as it was then and holds true at every level and only increases the higher up you go. It is exactly the notion of responsibility vested in the commander, that at least from his perspective, makes it a 'tough thing.' "
    • Published On: 11/6/2020
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