Recent Articles

  •  The Al-Qaeda Organization and the Islamic State Organization: History, Doctrine, Modus Operandi, and U.S. Policy to Degrade and Defeat Terrorism Conducted in the Name of Sunni Islam

    The Al-Qaeda Organization and the Islamic State Organization: History, Doctrine, Modus Operandi, and U.S. Policy to Degrade and Defeat Terrorism Conducted in the Name of Sunni Islam

    The Al-Qaeda Organization and the Islamic State Organization: History, Doctrine, Modus Operandi, and U.S. Policy to Degrade and Defeat Terrorism Conducted in the Name of Sunni Islam Dr Paul Kamolnick Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Dr. Kamolnick’s book is a meticulously documented investigation and comparison of the al-Qaeda Organization (AQO) and the Islamic State Organization (ISO) across three key strategically relevant dimensions: essential doctrine, beliefs, and worldview; strategic concept, including terrorist modus operandi; and in the final chapter, specific implications, and recommendations for current U.S. Government policy and strategy."
    • Published On: 2/6/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Unlearned Lessons and the Dual-System Problem

    Strategic Insights: Unlearned Lessons and the Dual-System Problem

    Strategic Insights: Unlearned Lessons and the Dual-System Problem Dr. Robert D. Lamb Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 1/25/2017
  •  Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace

    Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace

    Prospects for the Rule of Law in Cyberspace Mr Keir Giles Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This Letort Paper provides an overview of moves toward establishing international norms and the rule of law in cyberspace, and the potential for establishing further internationally accepted and enforceable standards of behavior. Completed in late 2015, it reflects the state of play in these areas at that time. It especially highlights opposing views on the nature of legality in cyberspace, and how and where those views are gaining global support."
    • Published On: 1/24/2017
  •  Past is Prologue: Abroad in Syria with the Ghosts of Iraq

    Past is Prologue: Abroad in Syria with the Ghosts of Iraq

    Past is Prologue: Abroad in Syria with the Ghosts of Iraq Dr David Alpher PKSOI Paper by US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "This paper presents a framework that planners can use to speed the planning process and improve traction. R&S contexts require the ability to function at a high level within conditions of ambiguity, violence and chaos. Using past lessons as principles rather than fixed points on a checklist speeds implementation and guides efforts from a stronger and more flexible starting point. As governance reform is a core thrust within US intervention frameworks, this document argues for improving future operations through a paradigm shift away from top-down R&S interventions."
    • Published On: 1/16/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Syria Safe Zones

    Strategic Insights: Syria Safe Zones

    Strategic Insights: Syria Safe Zones Dr Azeem Ibrahim Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 1/9/2017
  •  Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda

    Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda

    Turning It Up to Eleven: Belligerent Rhetoric in North Korea’s Propaganda Dr Mason Richey Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press After contextualizing North Korea’s capacity for belligerent rhetoric directed toward the United States and its north-east Asian allies, the author examines the contention that rhetoric from Pyongyang represents a conflict escalation risk or even a casus belli. The results of statistical tests indicate a negative correlation between Pyongyang’s rhetoric and international diplomatic initiatives, but no correlation between North Korea’s verbal hostility and its provocations.
    • Published On: 1/1/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean Dr R Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/9/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform

    Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform

    Strategic Insights: Think Before You Post: A Message to Those in Uniform COL Heidi A Urben Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/9/2016
  •  Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies

    Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies

    Deterring Cybertrespass and Securing Cyberspace: Lessons from United States Border Control Strategies Dr Mary Manjikian Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "In recent years, analysts have begun discussing strategies for securing entities in cyberspace—including the files and software belonging to corporations, government institutions, and private individuals. Increasingly, analysts have suggested utilizing two types of deterrence strategies: deterrence by denial and deterrence by punishment. In determining how both deterrence strategies might be applied to preventing hostile individuals, states, and nonstate actors from entering cyberspace and inflicting damage there, analysts have borrowed from deterrence strategies that have been framed for a variety of other situations..."
    • Published On: 12/1/2016
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