Recent Articles

  •  Senior Conference 55—The Emerging Environment in the Indo-Pacific Region: Drivers, Directions, and Decisions

    Senior Conference 55—The Emerging Environment in the Indo-Pacific Region: Drivers, Directions, and Decisions

    Senior Conference 55—The Emerging Environment in the Indo-Pacific Region: Drivers, Directions, and Decisions Dr Terry Babcock-Lumish, COL Tania Chacho, MAJ Tom Fox, MAJ Zachary Griffiths Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Every year, the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy runs a Senior Conference on behalf of the superintendent. This event allows distinguished representatives from the private sector, government, academia, the think tank community, and the military services to discuss important national security topics."
    • Published On: 3/4/2020
  •  Nonstate Actors and Anti-Access/Area Denial Strategies: The Coming Challenge

    Nonstate Actors and Anti-Access/Area Denial Strategies: The Coming Challenge

    Nonstate Actors and Anti-Access/Area Denial Strategies: The Coming Challenge Dr Jean-Loup Samaan Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph explores the emerging challenge of nonstate actors’ anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) strategies and their implications for the United States and its allies. This monograph starts from one major development: the historical monopoly of states over precision-guided munitions has eroded, and this evolution eventually challenges the ability of the most advanced militaries to operate in certain environments. Questioning the type of strategy that nonstate actors may implement as they gain greater access to advanced military technology, the research argues some of these groups increasingly lean toward A2/AD strategies. The analysis focuses on two regions, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, where case studies include Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis in Yemen, and separatist groups in Ukraine."
    • Published On: 2/6/2020
  •  How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook

    How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook

    How the Army Runs 2019-2020: A Senior Leader Reference Handbook Prof Louis G Yuenger Reference Handbook from the US Army War College, School of Strategic Landpower "Since the publication of the 2017-2018 How the Army Runs Reference Handbook, the U.S. Army is transitioning its concepts, doctrine, and capabilities to a new strategy. This new strategy switches the focus of Army forces from counterinsurgency to large scale combat operations (LSCO) against a peer, or near-peer competitor. The Army responds to this fundamental change in strategy by establishing two very clear objectives in achieving the new strategy. The intermediate objective is to establish a multi-domain operations capable force (at least selected formations) by 2028 and an ultimate objective to grow that force into a multi-domain operations ready Army by 2035..."
    • Published On: 1/29/2020
  •  Professionalizing the Iraqi Army: US Engagement after the Islamic State

    Professionalizing the Iraqi Army: US Engagement after the Islamic State

    Professionalizing the Iraqi Army: US Engagement after the Islamic State Dr C. A. Pfaff Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "While the US intelligence community worries about the emergence of “Da’esh 2.0,” the US security cooperation community has to worry about the development of the “Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) 4.0” that will have to fight Da’esh and meet a broad range of other security and defense requirements. Here, the “4.0” refers to the facts that this is not the United States’ first attempt to assist the Iraqis in building their defense capacity and the United States is not the first security partner to try. Britain and the Soviet Union also took their turns developing Iraqi military capabilities, both with similar results."
    • Published On: 1/28/2020
  •  Turkey and the United States on the Brink: Implications for NATO and the US-Turkish Strategic and Military Partnership

    Turkey and the United States on the Brink: Implications for NATO and the US-Turkish Strategic and Military Partnership

    Turkey and the United States on the Brink: Implications for NATO and the US-Turkish Strategic and Military Partnership Dr. Kamal A. Beyoghlow Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The US-Turkish strategic partnership established at the end of World War II reached its climax in the late eighties, and is at a dangerous crossroad. Such an outcome has had a devastating effect on Turkey’s relationship with other Western partners, especially NATO, which has been the backbone of America’s defense alliance since the start of the Cold War. This situation, if it continues, is likely to force the unraveling of NATO as a cohesive organization at a time when it is facing a myriad of collective global security challenges, particularly in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan—far beyond its traditional defensive posture on the European continent. All is not lost, however, and with more diligent diplomatic and military-to-military dialogue and compromises, US-Turkish relations can be salvaged."
    • Published On: 1/8/2020
  •  A Modern Army Reserve for a Multi-Domain World: Structural Realities and Untapped Potential

    A Modern Army Reserve for a Multi-Domain World: Structural Realities and Untapped Potential

    A Modern Army Reserve for a Multi-Domain World: Structural Realities and Untapped Potential MG Lew Irwin Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Casual readers of this monograph may interpret it as a somewhat fatalistic description of all of the things the Army Reserve cannot be or do, but, in fact, the intent is the opposite. If this invaluable American national security institution is to realize its full potential in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, we must first make a clear-eyed and honest assessment of the institution’s inherent limitations as well as its untapped potential. The first steps in attacking any problem are to acknowledge it and then define it before proposing ways to solve it. These are the goals of this monograph."
    • Published On: 10/22/2019
  •  Campaign Planning Handbook AY20

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY20

    Campaign Planning Handbook AY20 COL Mark Haseman Publication from the US Army War College, Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations, School of Strategic Landpower "The purpose of this document is to assist United States Army War College students during the Military Strategy and Campaigning (MSC) course. It also serves to assist commanders, planners, and other staff officers in combatant commands (CCMD), joint task forces (JTF), and service component commands. It supplements joint doctrine and contains elements of emerging doctrine as practiced globally by joint force commanders (JFCs). It portrays a way to apply published doctrine and emerging doctrine at the higher levels of joint command, with a primary emphasis at the combatant command level."
    • Published On: 9/25/2019
  •  The Russian Military in Contemporary Perspective

    The Russian Military in Contemporary Perspective

    The Russian Military in Contemporary Perspective Dr Stephen J Blank Colloquium Report by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Wherever one looks, Russia is carrying out aggressive military and informational attacks against the West in Europe, North and South America, the Arctic, and the Middle East. This “war against the West” actually began over a decade ago, but its most jarring and shocking event, the one that started to focus Western minds on Russia, was the invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Given this pattern, the National Security Council (NSC) in 2014 invited Stephen Blank to organize a conference on the Russian military. We were able to launch the conference in 2016 and bring together a distinguished international group of experts on the Russian military to produce the papers that were then subsequently updated for presentation here."
    • Published On: 9/24/2019
  •  Recommendations for Success in Afghanistan

    Recommendations for Success in Afghanistan

    Recommendations for Success in Afghanistan Dr M Chris Mason Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The group identified the four most important and challenging issues which the Resolute Support mission grapples with on a daily basis: (1) maintaining the equilibrium of power and control between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban at its current level; (2) bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table to begin peace talks with the Afghan Government; (3) getting Pakistan to curb its 17-year support to the Taliban; and, (4) start to roll back the pernicious dominance of opium production in the Afghan economy and its corrosive influence on national governance and state-building. "
    • Published On: 7/23/2019
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