PKSOI Papers

  •  Fostering a Police Reform Paradigm

    Fostering a Police Reform Paradigm

    Fostering a Police Reform Paradigm Doctor Karen J. Finkenbinder, Colonel Robert E Lowe, Doctor Raymond A Millen PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Of all the myriad of lessons learned in recent conflicts, the importance of police forces, to counter insurgencies and maintain security, is well-recognized. The police may be civilian, military or combination of types of police. Numerous articles, studies, and books have been published about all aspects of police reform but this monograph takes a different approach. It combines the theoretical with the applied and provides practical and historical applications of police reform."
    • Published On: 6/1/2013
  •  SOLLIMS Sampler - Leadership in Stability Operations: Understanding / Engaging the People

    SOLLIMS Sampler - Leadership in Stability Operations: Understanding / Engaging the People

    SOLLIMS Sampler - Leadership in Stability Operations: Understanding / Engaging the People Mister David A Mosinski PKSOI SOLLIMS Sampler by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute " 'Understanding / engaging the people' is a vital component of leadership during stability operations. Cultural understanding facilitates informed decision-making. It provides a key baseline of knowledge / awareness for U.S. and international leaders (civilian and military) to successfully operate in the environment of the host nation. Identifying societal groups and networks, and then communicating with, negotiating with, influencing, advising, mentoring, etc. the various groups and their leaders are common – if not essential – engagement activities for U.S. and international leaders during the course of stability operations."
    • Published On: 4/2/2013
  •  A Reference Guide for Interpreting Statistics and Creating Survey Questions

    A Reference Guide for Interpreting Statistics and Creating Survey Questions

    A Reference Guide for Interpreting Statistics and Creating Survey Questions Hai Do, Doctor Karen J. Finkenbinder PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, US Army War College Press "The guide is designed for one that is not enamored with statistics but needs to know enough to accurately interpret an academic article or other statistical information. Further, it includes a brief “how to” section on designing survey questions. For some, this information will be just a review; for others, it will be new information. Regardless of which camp you are in, we hope you find it useful."
    • Published On: 4/1/2013
  •  SOLLIMS Sampler - Protection of Civilians

    SOLLIMS Sampler - Protection of Civilians

    SOLLIMS Sampler - Protection of Civilians Mister David A Mosinski PKSOI SOLLIMS Sampler by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Civilian protection efforts have gained considerable momentum over the course of recent peacekeeping and stability operations. United Nations and African Union peacekeeping forces engaged in missions across Africa, as well as the International Security Assistance Force working to bring stability to Afghanistan, have recognized more and more the importance of civilian protection efforts. Accordingly, these international organizations and international forces have implemented an array of new policies, programs, strategies, and tactics for the sole purpose of improving civilian protection and reducing civilian casualties."
    • Published On: 1/2/2013
  •  Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide

    Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide

    Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide Professor Dwight Raymond Guides and Handbooks by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Protection of Civilians (PoC) must be considered and integrated during all military operations, including Peace Support Operations (PSO) and Major Operations during Armed Conflict (MOAC). Civilians are protected persons under international law, and parties to a conflict have a legal obligation to protect civilians from the conflict’s effects. Additionally, PoC is a major objective of many military operations and is frequently included in peace support mandates."
    • Published On: 1/1/2013
  •  Smart Research, Leveraging Interns and Fellows to Enhance your Research Program

    Smart Research, Leveraging Interns and Fellows to Enhance your Research Program

    Smart Research, Leveraging Interns and Fellows to Enhance your Research Program Doctor Karen J. Finkenbinder, Richard Parsons PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "The success of PKSOI’s program led to requests from other institutions for assistance in establishing a similar internship venture. In response to these repeated requests, authors Karen Finkenbinder and Rick Parsons have captured their collective wisdom to build and sustain a program to leverage the talent available from intelligent and engaged college students."
    • Published On: 1/1/2013
  •  Ground Truth in Building Human Security

    Ground Truth in Building Human Security

    Ground Truth in Building Human Security Douglas Batson PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Land has been at the center of human conflict throughout recorded history. Although there are now fewer interstate conflicts concerning land, we increasingly see conflict fueled by land tenure issues exacerbated through the inability of failing states to address such fundamental concerns of their populace."
    • Published On: 11/1/2012
  •  Female Participation in Formed Police Units, A Report on the Integration of Women in Formed Police Units of Peacekeeping Operations

    Female Participation in Formed Police Units, A Report on the Integration of Women in Formed Police Units of Peacekeeping Operations

    Female Participation in Formed Police Units, A Report on the Integration of Women in Formed Police Units of Peacekeeping Operations Charlotte Anderholt PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "This report looks at the obstacles that continue to impact the integration of women into Formed Police Units (FPUs) of Peacekeeping Operations. FPUs are different from the standard UN police unit because they are recruited from a single-member state as a coherent unit, unlike UNPOL members which are recruited and often deployed as individuals. These units are intended to operate in high-risk environments. Because there is a lack of data about women in FPUs, Ms. Anderholt reaches back to the experiences of gender integration in municipal police departments in the United States and compares them with accounts of FPUs or related UN police units."
    • Published On: 9/1/2012
  •  Hearts-and-Minds: A Strategy of Concilation, Coercion, or Committment?

    Hearts-and-Minds: A Strategy of Concilation, Coercion, or Committment?

    Hearts-and-Minds: A Strategy of Conciliation, Coercion, or Commitment? Lieutenant Colonel Karl Edward Nell PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "The most recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan clearly show the contentious and multiple methods introduced by both the insurgents and military forces and how only a holistic model can bring a successful conclusion. While there are many volumes written on specific counterinsurgency (COIN) tasks for any given theater of operation, this study differs in that it traces the root evolution of COIN methodology."
    • Published On: 9/1/2012
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