Western Hemisphere

  •  Strategic Insights: The Strategic Relevance of Latin America in the U.S. National Security Strategy

    Strategic Insights: The Strategic Relevance of Latin America in the U.S. National Security Strategy

    Strategic Insights: The Strategic Relevance of Latin America in the U.S. National Security Strategy Dr. Jose de Arimateia da Cruz Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 3/14/2018
  •  Stability Operations in Haiti 2010: A Case Study

    Stability Operations in Haiti 2010: A Case Study

    Stability Operations in Haiti 2010: A Case Study Emma Vialpando PKSOI Paper by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "The stability operation in Haiti from January 14 to June 1, 2010 demonstrated how over a dozen U.S. Government departments and agencies worked together effectively in an unprecedented large-scale foreign humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (FHA/DR) effort. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, precipitated the operation. The Haiti action, known within the U.S. military as Operation UNIFIED RESPONSE, was not only a whole-of-government, but also a whole-of-nation and global undertaking..."
    • Published On: 3/31/2017
  •  Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment

    Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment

    Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "This monograph is a comparative assessment of the activities of the governments and companies of the Republic of India and of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Latin America and the Caribbean covering a 15-year period, from the beginning of the 21st century through 2016."
    • Published On: 3/13/2017
  •  Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean

    Strategic Insights: Thinking Strategically About Latin America and the Caribbean Dr R Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/9/2016
  •  Honduras: A Pariah State, or Innovative Solutions to Organized Crime Deserving U.S. Support?

    Honduras: A Pariah State, or Innovative Solutions to Organized Crime Deserving U.S. Support?

    Honduras: A Pariah State, or Innovative Solutions to Organized Crime Deserving U.S. Support? Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The public protests against Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, which peaked in July 2015, highlighted perceptions of corruption by Hondurans of their President and his government, and fostered a new spirit of civic participation in Central America. Outside the region, less noticed is that President Hernandez has also made significant changes in the strategy and institutions of the country in combating the interrelated scourges of organized crime and violent gangs, which have plagued Honduras as well as its neighbors. That new approach, set forth in the administration’s interagency security plan and Operation MORAZÁN, has produced notable successes. With U.S. assistance, the National Interagency Security Force (FUSINA) and the Honduran government dismantled the leadership of the nation’s two principal family-based drug smuggling organizations, the Cachiros and the Los Valles, and significantly reduced the use of the national territory as a drug transit zone, particularly narco flights. Murders in the country have fallen from 86.5 per 100,000 in 2011, to 64 per 100,000 in 2014."
    • Published On: 6/1/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and Trinidad and Tobago: Establishing a Dangerous Presence in the Western Hemisphere

    Strategic Insights: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and Trinidad and Tobago: Establishing a Dangerous Presence in the Western Hemisphere

    Strategic Insights: The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and Trinidad and Tobago: Establishing a Dangerous Presence in the Western Hemisphere Dr. Jose de Arimateia da Cruz Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 5/13/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Mexico—New Directions, Continuity, and Obstacles in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime

    Strategic Insights: Mexico—New Directions, Continuity, and Obstacles in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime

    Strategic Insights: Mexico—New Directions, Continuity, and Obstacles in the Fight Against Transnational Organized Crime Dr R Evan Ellis Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 3/31/2016
  •  Strategic Insights: Guyana-Venezuela: The Essequibo Region Dispute

    Strategic Insights: Guyana-Venezuela: The Essequibo Region Dispute

    Strategic Insights: Guyana-Venezuela: The Essequibo Region Dispute Dr. Jose de Arimateia da Cruz Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
    • Published On: 12/14/2015
  •  The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past

    The New Russian Engagement with Latin America: Strategic Position, Commerce, and Dreams of the Past Dr R Evan Ellis Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The present monograph by Strategic Studies Institute professor Dr. R. Evan Ellis is one of the first in-depth treatments of contemporary Russian engagement with the countries of Latin America and its significance from a national security perspective. As such, it provides important insights into both the nature of the challenge posed by Russia, as well as the evolving role and persistent importance of Latin America and the Caribbean to the national security of the United States. "
    • Published On: 6/1/2015
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