Middle East & North Africa

  •  Afghanistan and Beyond: Reflections on the Future of Warfare

    Afghanistan and Beyond: Reflections on the Future of Warfare

    Afghanistan and Beyond: Reflections on the Future of Warfare Dr Stephen J Blank Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "This report provides an historical analysis of lessons from one of the most important wars of the 1980s, the war in Afghanistan. After reading this study, you will better understand the nature of operations "other than war" in multiethnic states. Many fear that these wars will set the paradigm for wars in the 1990s and will exert pressure on U.S. forces to conduct peacekeeping, peace-enforcement and humanitarian assistance operations in especially dangerous areas. Yugoslavia and Somalia, each in their own way, bear out the ubiquity of these wars and the pressures on the United States to act."
    • Published On: 6/28/1993
  •  Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge?

    Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge?

    Nuclear Pakistan and Nuclear India: Stable Deterrent or Proliferation Challenge? Dr George H Quester Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute "Nuclear proliferation, a security issue which has transcended the cold war, has been, and is, particularly troublesome in South Asia. There, India and Pakistan, neighbors with unresolved disputes since they were granted independence at the end of World War II, are believed to have nuclear weapons (although the leaders of both nations deny it) and are intermittently engaged in conflict with each other."
    • Published On: 11/25/1992
  •  Strategic Insights: The Great Purge and the Future of the Turkish Military

    Strategic Insights: The Great Purge and the Future of the Turkish Military

    Strategic Insights: The Great Purge and the Future of the Turkish Military Dr. W. Andrew Terril Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press
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