Asia Pacific

  •  India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific

    India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific

    India's Evolving Nuclear Force and Implications for U.S. Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Mr Yogesh Joshi, Dr Frank O'Donnell, Dr Harsh V Pant Letort Paper by US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "As India rises in the international system, its foreign and defense policies are attaining greater influence in shaping global security. This Letort Paper explores Indian nuclear policy approaches and views, and makes a major contribution to our understanding of this factor of growing significance in Asian security."
    • Published On: 6/1/2016
  •  Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition

    Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition

    Impunity: Countering Illicit Power in War and Transition Michelle Hughes, Michael Miklaucic Guides and Handbooks by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Strategies that weaken illicit power structures and strengthen legitimate state authority are vital to national and international security. As Dr. Henry Kissinger observed, we may be “facing a period in which forces beyond the restraints of any order determine the future.” Because threats to security emanate from disorder in areas where governance and rule of law are weak, defeating terrorist, insurgent, and criminal organizations requires integrated efforts not only to attack enemy organizations, but also to strengthen institutions essential to sustainable security."
    • Published On: 5/19/2016
  •  Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict

    Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict

    Mastering the Gray Zone: Understanding a Changing Era of Conflict Dr Michael J Mazarr Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The monograph emphasizes that many gray zone tools and techniques have been employed for centuries. But the analysis rightly contends that such approaches have renewed relevance, both because some new technologies have made them more effective than ever and because several major powers are making extensive use of gray zone campaigns."
    • Published On: 12/1/2015
  •  Strategic Insights: If You Want Peace, Prepare for War: Reflections on China's V–Day Parade

    Strategic Insights: If You Want Peace, Prepare for War: Reflections on China's V–Day Parade

    Strategic Insights: If You Want Peace, Prepare for War: Reflections on China's V–Day Parade David Lai Article by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The Chinese government conducted a military parade to commemorate the “70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War” on September 3, 2015. Although Chinese President Xi Jinping uttered “peace” 18 times in his brief opening remarks and Chinese government propaganda flooded China’s media with massive unqualified praise afterward, this show of force was by no means a blessing for peace. On the contrary, it arguably will cast a shadow over China’s outreach in the Asia-Pacific region for years to come."
    • Published On: 10/5/2015
  •  Unlocking India’s Strategic Potential in Central Asia

    Unlocking India’s Strategic Potential in Central Asia

    Unlocking India’s Strategic Potential in Central Asia Mr Roman Muzalevsky Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "India’s impressive economic growth over the last 2 1/2 decades has brought India’s role and interests to the forefront of global politics and statecraft. Importantly, it has put India into a comparative perspective with China, another aspiring Asian great power poised to stiffen competition for resources and influence worldwide. Both are resource-hungry and rapidly emerging powers seeking a new place and role in the global and regional orders. Both are also strategic rivals and consider their immediate neighborhood of Central Asia of growing strategic importance to their grand strategies. "
    • Published On: 10/1/2015
  •  SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance

    SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance

    SOLLIMS Sampler – Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Mister David A Mosinski PKSOI SOLLIMS Sampler by the US Army War College, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute "Foreign Humanitarian Assistance operations typically involve a wide array of participants – US Government civilian and military organizations, multinational partners, nongovernmental organizations, intergovernmental actors, and host nation government authorities. Their various contributions can be vital for saving lives and relieving/reducing human suffering within an affected host nation."
    • Published On: 9/24/2015
  •  A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners

    A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners

    A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners Mr Gary J Schmitt Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "Since the end of World War II, the United States has made maintaining a favorable balance of power in Eurasia a core element of its national security strategy. It did so in good measure by maintaining a large conventional military force that was based not only at home, but also in bases spread across Europe and Asia. That strategy was buttressed by developing security ties and alliances with key powers and frontline states. The implicit bargain was that the United States would help keep the peace on their door front if they would provide access from which American forces could operate and, in turn, maintain credible forces themselves to reinforce and support U.S. efforts at keeping the great power peace. The question raised by this collection of essays is: Is that bargain unraveling?"
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
  •  The Chinese People's Liberation Army in 2025

    The Chinese People's Liberation Army in 2025

    The Chinese People's Liberation Army in 2025 Mr Roy Kamphausen, Dr David Lai Book by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "The scholarship presented in this edition addresses the uncertainty surrounding the potential direction of the PLA by examining three distinct focus areas: Domestic, External, and Technological Drivers of PLA Modernization; Alternative Futures for the PLA; and Implications for the Region, World, and U.S.-China Relations. The analysis provides an insightful perspective into the factors shaping and propelling the PLA’s modernization, its potential future orientation ranging from internally-focused to globally-focused, and how the PLA’s choices may impact China’s relations with its neighbors and the world."
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
  •  China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S.

    China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S.

    China’s Rise and Reconfiguration of Central Asia’s Geopolitics: A Case for U.S. Mr Roman Muzalevsky Monograph by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press "China’s emergence as a global actor has questioned the position of the United States as the strongest power and the future of the Washington-led global order. But achieving the status of a truly global player wielding influence in all dimensions of power would require China, among other things, to leverage its regional influence in Central Asia. This region is increasingly representing China’s western leg of economic expansion and development, and is of a growing strategic importance for Beijing. It is also a region that should be of greater strategic importance to Washington, which seeks to preserve its leading position in the international system and ensure China’s peaceful integration in the global political, security, and economic architecture. "
    • Published On: 7/1/2015
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