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Dec. 12, 2024

Book Review: British Grand Strategy in the Age of American Hegemony

Cover for British Grand Strategy in the Age of American HegemonyRegional Studies |

Author: William D. James
Reviewed by Dr. Frank L. Jones, distinguished fellow, US Army War College
Dr. Frank L. Jones, a distinguished fellow of the US Army War College, provides a useful and comprehensive review of author William D. James’s first book, “an excellent study for members of the defense community who want to understand British grand strategy historically or aspire to policy-making or strategy-making positions and need a sound introduction.” Jones outlines James’s main arguments and the value of the case studies presented, including the “East of Suez” case study, a “vivid example of strategic adjustment where timing, domestic politics, other foreign policy priorities, economic power, and the concerns of allies shape decision making.”

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Keywords: United Kingdom, grand strategy, World War II, Iraq War, Cold War