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July 25, 2024

2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment


Major General Hill

The United States faces a complex and ever-changing global environment. With threats ranging from traditional state actors to non-state militant groups and cyber warfare, the Army must be prepared for a wide range of potential conflicts. Additionally, increasing globalization makes it more difficult to predict where conflicts may arise and how they may impact US interests. The US Army’s ability to confront these complexities successfully will require constant vigilance, strategic planning, and a commitment to staying at the forefront of military innovation.

Future strategic operations will heavily rely on allies and partners. Through strong international relationships, the Army can leverage resources, intelligence, and capabilities that would otherwise be limited by operating independently. The collaborative nature of these partnerships allows for improved response times during emergencies and crises, enhancing global stability and security, which directly contributes to safeguarding the American homeland from external threats.

Chief of Staff of the Army General Randy A. George has called on the force to revitalize professional discourse. The 2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment supports this initiative by setting the foundation for cutting-edge research to understand the ever-evolving security environment domestically and internationally. The subsequent collective research inspired by this estimate informs military strategy and decision making and contributes to overall national security discussions. This framework ensures aspiring researchers are well equipped to assess emerging threats with informed perspectives and challenges them to propose innovative solutions to complex problems.

Major General David C. Hill
53rd Commandant
US Army War College