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Toward a More Effective DoD Contribution to Strategic Competition in the Western Hemisphere
February 21, 2025
— Innovative new thinking is needed on the security challenges the People’s Republic of China poses in Latin America and the Department of Defense’s role in the US response, including (1) enhanced security cooperation that helps key democratic partners succeed and provides the United States leverage and situational awareness, and (2) anticipating how the People’s Republic of China may exploit its commercial and other activities in the region in times of war...
Bargaining for Justice: Ukraine, Gaza, and the Ethics of Conflict Termination
September 23, 2024
— This book, drawing on the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, offers a unique perspective by combining insights from bargaining theory and the just-war tradition. It demonstrates how moral commitments can serve as a framework for war termination, a topic relevant to scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in international relations and conflict resolution...
Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait
January 5, 2024
— The various deterrents that used to discourage Beijing from invading Taiwan have decayed, and at the same time China’s leaders face fewer restraints than ever before. Even so, if interlocking deterrents can be developed for the short, medium, and long terms, and peace reinvigorated, war may yet be avoided...
2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment
August 24, 2023
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
May 17, 2023
— Mitchell G. Klingenberg — Monograph by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute — "Drawing from archival materials at the US Army Heritage and Education Center and the United States Military Academy at West Point, numerous published primary sources, and a range of secondary sources, this monograph offers an overview of the China Relief Expedition from June 1900 to the moment of liberation in August. Its considerations range from the geopolitical to the strategic and down to the tactical levels of war. US forces partnered alongside the combined naval and land forces of multiple nations, thus constituting the first contingency, expeditionary, and multinational coalition in American military history..."...
China's Future Military Capabilities
April 26, 2023
— Roger Cliff — Monograph by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute — "The 2022 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America identifies China as the “pacing challenge” for the US military. This monograph examines the process by which China’s military capabilities are developed, the capabilities China’s military is seeking to acquire in the future, and the resulting implications for the US military. To date, all the extant studies have merely described the capabilities the People’s Liberation Army is currently acquiring. This monograph goes further by drawing on the Chinese military’s publications to identify and discuss the capabilities the People’s Liberation Army seeks to acquire in the future..."...
PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022
February 3, 2023
— George R. Shatzer, Roger D. Cliff — Conference Papers by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute — "The US Army War College People’s Liberation Army Conference (PLA) Conference was held March 31 to April 2, 2022, at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. The conference focused on PLA logistics and sustainment. As the PLA continues to build and modernize its combat forces, it is important to examine if the capabilities meant to support combat operations are also being developed."...
What Ukraine Taught NATO About Hybrid Warfare
November 16, 2022
— Sarah J. Lohmann — Collaborative Study by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute — "Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 forced the United States and its NATO partners to be confronted with the impact of hybrid warfare far beyond the battlefield. Targeting Europe’s energy security, Russia’s malign influence campaigns and malicious cyber intrusions are affecting global gas prices, driving up food costs, disrupting supply chains and grids, and testing US and Allied military mobility. This study examines how hybrid warfare is being used by NATO’s adversaries, what vulnerabilities in energy security exist across the Alliance, and what mitigation strategies are available to the member states."...
Enabling NATO's Collective Defense: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency (NATO COE-DAT Handbook 1)
November 15, 2022
— Carol V. Evans — Handbook by the US Army War College, US Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute — "In 2014 NATO’s Centre of Excellence-Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT) launched the inaugural course on “Critical Infrastructure Protection Against Terrorist Attacks.” As this course garnered increased attendance and interest, the core lecturer team felt the need to update the course in critical infrastructure (CI) taking into account the shift from an emphasis on “protection” of CI assets to “security and resiliency.” What was lacking in the fields of academe, emergency management, and the industry practitioner community was a handbook that leveraged the collective subject matter expertise of the core lecturer team, a handbook that could serve to educate government leaders, state and private-sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, academicians, and policymakers in NATO and partner countries..."...
China, Europe and the Pandemic Recession: Beijing’s Investments and Transatlantic Security
May 4, 2022
— John R. Deni, Chris Alden, Erik Brattberg, Roger Cliff, Mark Duckenfield, R. Evan Ellis, Nicholas Nelson, Lauren Speranza — Collaborative Study by the US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press — "The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has unleashed an immense shock to the global economy. In Europe, gross domestic product has fallen, and unemployment has risen. China might take advantage of the crisis—just as it did in the wake of the global financial crisis a decade ago. As part of its broader national security strategy, China might again use its sovereign wealth fund, government-affiliated companies, and nominally private Chinese firms to provide necessary liquidity in Europe. In doing so, Beijing could take advantage of Europe’s economic difficulties to obtain sensitive technologies, build soft power, and acquire militarily significant infrastructure."...