The US Army War College Quarterly Parameters - Winter 2023-24 | Reflexive Control: Influencing Strategic Behavior | by Maria W. R. de Goeij
The US Army War College Quarterly Parameters - Winter 2023-24 | Reflexive Control: Influencing Strategic Behavior | by Maria W. R. de Goeij Decisionmakers can use reflexive control to change the other’s perceptions about their utility sets. Reflexive control contains underlying elements that could help give structure to analyses of strategic behavior by using a nonlinear approach that aims to improve the quality of assessments. This exploratory literature study reviews the interpretations of the concept of reflexive control, how elements of reflexive control link to the more widely accepted existing body of knowledge, and how they could be valuable additions to the current work on the analysis of strategic behavior. Keywords: reflexive control, strategic behavior, strategic analysis, nonlinearity, complex adaptive system